Tragedy Plus Time: Brampton Comedian Zabrina Douglas

Zabrina Douglas from Brampton is a nurse and a mother of 5 kids. She started stand-up comedy about 14 years ago and since then has worked with a lot well know comedians such as Gilbert Godfrey and Luenell. Zabrina has also performed at JFL MONTREAL filming her first Gala. Zabrina’s comedy album “Things Black Girls Say” was nominated for a Juno award in 2023.

Zabrina Douglas
Photo by: Krissia Valiente

How would you describe your comedy style?

My style of comedy is a lot of storytelling based on my life experiences especially things I experience with my family, kids and being a nurse. I do use comedy as an outlet for talking about the craziness of everything I go through. It does help me cope and continue doing what I do as a daughter, mom, wife and nurse!

Who are some of your influences?

My influences are the people around me every day. My kids, my parents my husband and especially everyone I work with in the hospital help me create new material! Most of the stories I come up with happen to me over time and it depends on how traumatised I am from the situation whether I talk about it right away on stage or not! A lot of audiences find them funny and sometimes relatable!

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Growing up I used to love watching in Living Colour and then I would go to school and reenact all the sketches when I would see my friends! Also, Wanda Sykes, Russel Peters, Jim Carrie and Dave Chappelle were always my favourites to watch.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

I still love all the comedians I used to watch! Nowadays my favourite comedians include Jessica Kirson and Daphney Springs! Watching how they improvise while doing crowdwork is so phenomenal.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Before I do a set usually I like to watch the show to see what the audience is laughing at. What kind of people are in the crowd and if there are people to talk to or try to avoid! Also, I like to figure out what kind of changes to the list of jokes I might make! Usually right before I go on I do get nervous right up until I get the first laugh then I’ll start getting comfortable.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

My favourite place I performed was at JFL Montreal. When Neil Bansil asked me to be a part of this festival it was so surreal! I checked off something on my bucket list that day and I’m forever grateful for this! Every comic you can think of has done that festival. And to be on the same stage with a lot of the best international talents was the best experience any comedian can be a part of!

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

One of my favourite jokes is the one about my daughter going to school and coming home asking what a period is and how it brings back memories about my dad reacting to the question. Then I do an impression of my dad which is always fun for me to imitate his accent. Then In the joke I talk about the story I tell my daughter about what the period really is. It’s my favourite joke because I worked on it for years and it has changed so much into a story with so many twist and turn, and by the end, the audience gives a big laugh which is the perfect ending for a joke.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

I like watching Netflix specials and social media. A lot of comics post some killer clips of their best jokes and crowd interactions and it’s so good to watch.

Tell us a joke about your city.

I don’t really have a joke about Brampton I just usually tell people when I do out-of-town shows that I came all the way from Brampton. People will cheer then I would ask them if anyone is from Brampton. There is always one sad wooo then I would tell them that I would need a ride. Usually, people laugh or sometimes people would ask me after the show if I actually need the ride. People from Brampton are so kind!

Do you have anything to promote right now?

I will be performing in JFL Toronto on the Jamaica vs. Trinidad Comedy Show on September 24th.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram | Facebook | TikTok

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

There are a lot of comedians in the Canadian comedy scene that people need to know about! Tamara Shevon is such an amazing writer and personality! You need to give her a follow! Keesha Brownie is a multitalented comedian to
watch out for! Jay Martin is one of the best comedians/producers who knows how to put on a big-scale comedy event! I will be performing with him in JFL Toronto which is a huge honour. Too many to name!


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Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.