Toronto Artist Samara Shuter

“Samara Shuter’s epic paintings of men’s suits are equally powerful and playful. She draws upon her passion not only for fine art, but for street art, architecture, and fashion to the effect of creating strikingly bold and charismatic paintings. Attracted to symmetry and elegance, the structure of the suit allows Samara to explore the themes of nostalgia, fantasy, and the navigation of one’s place in society. She is funny, she is fun and she’s a powerhouse entrepreneur who has successfully exhibited her work throughout Canada and the United States, while collaborating with numerous major charities.”


Samara Shuter

1. We live at Front and Spadina. While we don’t get to spend too much time on our balcony, I love being able to enjoy the sunset when we’re home. Being able to grab some quick fresh air is a luxury. However, I do really miss grass and trees around the tip of the city.

2. I was told that a good trick for helping you get out of bed earlier was to make a breakfast you look forward to.

I love waking up as early as possible, while the city still seems quiet and asleep, and then making a bunch of noise while I blend my Almond Milk, Banana, Yogurt and Peanut Butter smoothie. It goes really well with coffee! I don’t usually light candles for breakfast… but for you I did.

3. “You’re only as good as your tools”, says my father in-law, the retired Dentist. I love my brushes. And it’s true, there is a huge difference in quality, and how hard they’ll work for you. I am not ashamed to say I pick favourites, and often make most of my paintings with those same few. I didn’t realize they were still sitting in those Whiskey tubes until now. Those are my old drum sticks. Maybe I’ll paint with them one day.

4. On my counter, you’ll see my apple doc, a photo of my parents that’s over 30 years old. And a painting my sister made for me years ago as a gift. (Can you see my awesome Troll with the multicoloured mohawk? He’s my mascot. I feel like I have to whisper this). This wall is usually to my back. You’d be standing in what is “supposed to” be our Master Bedroom. But since I am in between studios, I have convinced my far-too generous Fiancee to allow me to make it my workspace for now. We sleep in photo #7, and hit our shins often.

5. You’ve now turned around. Behold, my work wall. Every now and then I step on something that hurts… really badly.

6. Mail! I love when my contact at Nuvango, Cale, sends me samples to take a look at new product models. If you visit my webpage,, and click “SHOP”, it will show you a link to my profile on their company website. They’re very cool, and I donate all of the money I make through the sale of each case to charity.

7. Where we sleep… when the fridge isn’t making too much noise. I’m not mad, because I’m so excited for my smoothie.

8. Come! I’d love to meet you.


What hood are you in?

I live at Front and Spadina.

What do you do?

I am an artist and I work full-time from my studio downtown.

What are you working on?

I am working on my new series, “Getting to Know You” which will be exhibited for the first time at my solo show in May 8, 9 and 10, 2015 at Andrew Richard Designs.

Where can we find your work?



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography