“A Day in the Life” with Toronto creative Annie Briggs

Annie Briggs – just a Halifax girl, living in an east coast world. She took a mid afternoon flight (I assume) to New York City to attend the Academy of Dramatic Arts, to pursue an acting career.

Four years later she landed in Toronto, where she began to slay indie theatre throughout the city, and work 5am shifts in east end cafés. Her first big break came in shortly thereafter, when she was cast as Lola Perry in the LGBTQ webseries ‘Carmilla,’ where she gained a large fan base for her thoughtful characterization, and also for her hair.

In 2017 she successfully funded her project ‘CLAIREvoyant’ through the Independent Production Fund, which she co-wrote and starred. Her hair? Stunning.

In 2018 she attended the CFC Actor’s Conservatory, culminating in her short film ‘RUTH,’ about a woman in the 1950s struggling with postpartum depression.

In her free time Annie can be found in various layers of lounge-wear nurturing sourdough starters, drinking gin and soda, and obsessing over Gillian Anderson’s aura.

This March, you can and should see Annie in ‘MINE’, a two-hander at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre where one can be assured her performance (and her hair) will be stunning.

-written by former roommate, and endless stan Joshua Swartzentruber

Annie Briggs - Doing press for Season 1 of my show CLAIREvoyant, with my co-creator Natasha Negovanlis - we were invited out to the YouTube headquarters in L.A. to speak about queer representation and digital series development.
Annie Briggs – Doing press for Season 1 of my show CLAIREvoyant, with my co-creator Natasha Negovanlis – we were invited out to the YouTube headquarters in L.A. to speak about queer representation and digital series development.
Annie Briggs - Getting saucy with my costar Vanessa Dunn in Mine, opening at Buddies in Bad Times March 25th.
Annie Briggs – Getting saucy with my costar Vanessa Dunn in Mine, opening at Buddies in Bad Times March 25th.
My pride & joy, my garden! Forever romancing my veggies...
My pride & joy, my garden! Forever romancing my veggies…
Last year I was in Nevada for work, and so I took the opportunity afterward to do some desert camping. Its a truly great privilege to have the opportunity to travel for my job.
Last year I was in Nevada for work, and so I took the opportunity afterward to do some desert camping. Its a truly great privilege to have the opportunity to travel for my job.
Pictured here (with director Simone Stock, and composers Jason Couse and Suad Bushnaq) after we wrapped the sound mix on a short film that I wrote while at the CFC. I'm continually awestruck by the number of brains and hearts that feed into the creative process of putting stories on screen - it truly takes a village.
Pictured here (with director Simone Stock, and composers Jason Couse and Suad Bushnaq) after we wrapped the sound mix on a short film that I wrote while at the CFC. I’m continually awestruck by the number of brains and hearts that feed into the creative process of putting stories on screen – it truly takes a village.
Annie Briggs - I spent the better part of last year renovating a house with my partner. Full, gut-job. And honestly, it was the first time in a while that the better part of my days were spent working on something tangible. A nice contrast to the oh so often ephemeral world of an actor!
Annie Briggs – I spent the better part of last year renovating a house with my partner. Full, gut-job. And honestly, it was the first time in a while that the better part of my days were spent working on something tangible. A nice contrast to the oh so often ephemeral world of an actor!
Annie Briggs - Crystal Dawn, on Wharf Rats - a series that took me back to my east-coast roots! We shot in and around North Rustico, P.E.I. I think if you grew up by the ocean, there's really something about that salty air that sticks to your bones and never leaves. I feel the most relaxed by the sea.
Annie Briggs – Crystal Dawn, on Wharf Rats – a series that took me back to my east-coast roots! We shot in and around North Rustico, P.E.I. I think if you grew up by the ocean, there’s really something about that salty air that sticks to your bones and never leaves. I feel the most relaxed by the sea.
Oh just clownin' around the east end with my photographer pal Dane Clarke - check his work out here https://www.danedoesportraits.com/
Oh just clownin’ around the east end with my photographer pal Dane Clarke – check his work out here https://www.danedoesportraits.com/

What ‘hood are you in?

I’ve lived all over the east end since moving to Toronto. I’ve had a few brief dalliances with the beaches, a real long term love affair with Leslieville, Greektown was more of a re-bound situation, and just a few months ago I moved father east along the Danforth into my first permanent home home. As in, I’ll be putting nails-into-my-walls, kind of home…

What do you do?

I’m an actor and writer. And human woman.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently in rehearsals for Mine (directed by Evalyn Parry & costarring Vanessa Dunn), a beautifully lez relationship play set in the 90’s! Coming from the wild brain of playwright Jenna Harris, it’s a really funny, heartbreakingly honest, sexy piece. And such a powerhouse team of creatives involved. I’m in actor heaven!

Where can we find your work?

Mine runs at Buddies in Bad Times theatre March 21st-April 5th and you can find tickets here:


You can also find info about my upcoming film and tv projects through my social media, insta, twitter.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography