There has been a lot of conversation about how the public does not get enough exposure to other candidates and political parties during elections. Whether it is being excluded from debates or not spoken about in the news, less known candidates should have an equal voice to allow citizens to vote the party that they most agree with.
Two of these parties that are often pushed aside are the Ontario Libertarian Party and less so the Green Party of Ontario. These parties have been excluded from Ontario Election debates and have not been mentioned alongside the Liberals, NDP or PC party within news articles.

A recent Maclean’s article allowed each of the 3 main parties to showcase their standings on several topics. We are going to add to that with responses we received by the Ontario Libertarian Party and the Green Party of Ontario.
People should vote for the system they believe in and these two parties may offer more of an alignment to your own personal views.
The Libertarians consider themselves the only conservative choice and have gained steam over the years with almost a full roster of candidates running in the June 7th Ontario election.
The Greens, although getting more coverage than other lesser known parties, is looking to steal a seat this year and could do so with your help.
Here are their positions.
The Green Party of Ontario would run a modest deficit, approximately half the amount of the Liberal Party. We support moving towards a balanced budget, but recognize that in 15 years of Liberal mismanagement, the deficit crisis cannot be tackled overnight. The Green Party would deliver and pay for the same major programs the Liberals promise, in addition to several sensible Green proposals, and we would do it much more efficiently. Our projected deficit for a better range of government programs and initiatives will be less than half of the Liberal deficit.
We believe in social programs and being honest about how to pay for them. The Green Party would raise the corporate tax rate by approximately 1-1.5%, with a portion going to fund our Basic Income Guarantee for all program. We would also raise the personal income tax rate for the wealthiest 1% of the population by 1%. We would lower payroll taxes for small businesses by increasing the exemption level for the Employer Health Tax from $450,000 to $1 million in payroll for businesses and organizations with payrolls under $5 million.
We would also increase water taking fees and end tax breaks for mining companies that currently put Ontario last in the country in terms of the public returns that we receive from our mining wealth. We would put in place new revenue generating measures such as road tolls and congestion charges as recommended by the experts for funding a world-class transit system.
We would cancel the Liberals’ UnFair Hydro Plan that disproportionately benefits the wealthiest with an artificial subsidy to lower hydro rates. We would say no to Ontario Power Generation’s request for a 180% rate increase to fund the upgrading of outdated and expensive nuclear plants. We will replace high cost nuclear rebuilds with low cost water power from Quebec, Manitoba and Ontario and move towards a long-term plan of 100% renewable energy.
Health Care
We want to transform our healthcare system towards one that focuses on health promotion and illness prevention, in addition to treating sickness. We would implement a universal dental care program and push for a federally funded Pharmacare program, and in its absence, extend a provincially funded Pharmacare program.
We want to ensure that all Ontarians have access to mental health services and so we would move towards full coverage under OHIP+ with historic investments in mental health, while making it easier for all Ontarians to see a mental health practitioner. We would support increased investments in integrated primary care, community care, Nurse Practitioner-led clinics and other locally focused approaches in underserved areas.
We strongly believe that the government monopoly on cannabis sales is a missed opportunity to support local small businesses and that it will do nothing to eliminate the underground market for cannabis. We would move towards a private model, regulating and licensing local businesses, local farmers, and Indigenous entrepreneurial groups to open retail cannabis stores, creating local jobs and contributing tax dollars to local communities across the province.
Our vision for our education system is to make bold changes in delivery, to maximize outcomes in the classroom and deliver the best results for our kids. This starts by unifying our publicly funded schools into a single school system with English and French. Eliminating administrative duplication in separate boards will create savings we can use for big investments in a better classroom experience and outcomes savings we can use to hire more teachers and support staff, make sure kids have access to programs like phys-ed and outdoor time every day.
Environment and energy
We will introduce legislation to permanently protect Ontario’s prime farmland and source water regions. We will expand the Greenbelt to include the major river systems of the Greater Golden Horseshoe, which provide drinking water to 9 million Ontarians. We will require an assessment of the cumulative impacts of all sources of air pollution before issuing new air emission permits.
We would transition Ontario to a revenue-neutral carbon fee-and-dividend system as the most effective carbon pricing mechanism to create market incentives for low carbon products, services and businesses. All pollution tax revenue will be distributed directly to individuals and households as a dividend cheque.
We would leap into the future now to create good jobs by making Ontario a global leader in the clean economy and put Ontario on a path to be 100% powered by renewable energy by 2050. We would invest in the green jobs of the future, with a focus on cleantech, advanced manufacturing, renewable energy and green retrofits. We would cancel the nuclear gravy train and develop a 100% renewable energy electricity grid, with low cost water power from Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba, as well as community-owned renewable energy projects.
We will focus on building world-class, clean and affordable mass transit and be honest with Ontarians on how we are going to pay for it. We will create a transportation fund dedicated to increased funding for transit infrastructure and we would fund 50% of the operating costs of municipal transit systems. We will establish dedicated long-term funding for walking and cycling infrastructure. We would take political interference out of transit decisions and ensure all new projects are determined based on evidence and need. We will implement expert recommendations for dedicated revenue tools that are fair and progressive–such as congestion charges, parking levies and land value taxes.
We would set a phase-out date of 2050 for internal combustion vehicles and we would drastically scale up infrastructure to support the adoption of electric vehicles. We would rapidly electrify passenger rail service and expand all-day, two-way GO service on all lines. In the meantime, we would immediately roll out bus service on underserved routes.
For more information on the Green Party of Ontario, please visit their website.
· we intend to Reduce the Size and Scope of Government
· we intend to reduce spending within government where possible
· initiate a balanced budget and debt repayment plan over 30 years
· by removing legislation that allows government monopolies in healthcare, education, and
· other monopoly areas and allowing non-government competition in those areas, spending would be stabilized and even decrease over time.
· we would end all Government subsidies including:
· end all Corporate grants and subsidies
· end all grants and subsidies to individuals
· end all grants and subsidies to not-for-profits
· end funding via the Ontario Trillium Foundation ($136M annual)
· end all subsidies to Municipalities / other levels of Government, local ratepayers can pay for their own projects (taxpayers in Sudbury shouldn’t be paying for tunnels in Ottawa)
· end Corporate income taxation, of course Corporations will still collect and remit HST
· Reduce the Ontario Land Transfer Tax to be a flat fee of $275 instead of the current fee that is based on the property value.
· we will put in place a sensible Government and Taxation plan, including balance the provincial budget
· we will repeal the job-killing Cap & Trade Carbon Tax and opt out of any National carbon pricing scheme
· we will end any Government program and service related to mitigating climate change
· we will end mandatory insurance with WSIB
· we will end mandatory registration with the College of Trades
· income taxes and other taxes would be status quo for the time being.
· repeal the Green Energy Act
· eliminate time of use billing
· end discriminatory delivery charges crushing rural residents
· remove all subsidized power from the grid
· terminate for convenience all subsidized generation contracts
· transfer off the Hydro books all termination costs including past gas plant termination costs. Hydro customers will not be made to pay for the Government boondoggles.
· terminate all Liberal Government appointees from all boards and electricity related entities
Health Care
· Patients will be able to choose the OHIP system or a non-government alternative
· average per person healthcare funding will be attached to the individual and not to OHIP
· allow non-Government insurance options in addition to OHIP
· allow non-Government insurers to sub-contract certain services to OHIP, for example Basic Medical
· allow non-Government insurers to provide the exact same service as OHIP
· allow non-Government insurers to provide “boutique” or “specialty” packages
· non-Government insurers will receive the same per person funding as OHIP and can charge other fees
· people can switch away from OHIP by giving OHIP 90 days notice
· people can switch from any non-Government option back onto OHIP with the same waiting period as any new resident in Ontario
· healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, technicians will all be able to work for either OHIP or non-Government providers, or both, as they see fit
· allow existing (and new) private operators (Pot Shops) to operate competitively within Provincial regulations not unlike the way that cigarettes are currently sold in Ontario
· Ontario government should NOT be involved with retail distribution of marijuana except to set age limits, and use in public spaces including roads and highways
· Prices and services will be controlled by the non-government retailer, who will collect and remit taxes on behalf of the government
· Parents will be able to choose the school their children attend, government or non-government schools
· per student funding will be attached to the student and not the school
· catchment areas will be eliminated, good schools will thrive, bad schools will adapt or close
· more “magnet schools” would be expected to emerge within the Government system
· students will be able to enroll in any school of their parent’s choice, Government or non-Government
· per student funding will apply equally to non-Government schools, although no non-Government school will be required to receive Government funds
· per student funding will apply equally to home schools, although no homeschooler will be required to receive Government funds
· any Government legislation that ties curriculum or any education related aspect of what happens in the school to Government per student funding or anything else will be amended to specifically exclude non-Government and home school delivered education
· non-Government school options will have few, if any education related constraints from Government
Environment and energy
· repeal the Green Energy and Economy Act of 2009
· withdraw from the Cap & Trade deal made with Quebec and California
· enforce existing laws against real pollution from the point of view of individual property rights to enjoy clean air and water
· eliminate time of use billing
· end discriminatory delivery charges crushing rural residents
· remove all subsidized power from the grid
· terminate for convenience all subsidized generation contract (ie. Tear up the contracts and pass legislation to limit penalties)
· Encourage non-governmental solutions to local transit problems, for example UBER partnering with Innisfil for transit.
– For existing highway infrastructure (a scarce commodity), control its use by putting a price on usage, like a toll as with 407 ETR
For more information on the Ontario Libertarian Party, please visit their website.
The Ontario Election is on June 7th, please make a well informed choice and vote your conscience.