Vintage Automobile Photographs from Toronto

The Canadian International Auto Show took place last week in Toronto with both new and old automobiles on display. For this week’s history post, I thought it would be nice to find some interesting vintage automobile photographs from the Toronto archives.

I ended up finding a huge variety of photos that include auto shows, city vehicles, automobile polo, ice racing, the Queen of England, yes, the Queen of England, and BP’s “Mr. Beep”. There are also a few photos from several car dealerships around Toronto.

Let us know on social media if you discover any interesting details.

376 Vintage Automobile Photographs on Dupont Street - Oct 31 1923
376 Dupont Street – Oct 31 1923
Vintage Automobile Photographs 1932 Frontenac automobile. - [1932?]
1932 Frontenac automobile. – [1932?]
Vintage Automobile Photographs Toronto Fire Department photographs - 1964 C151 Meteor JKL automobile, 18 Ashton Manor 1964
Toronto Fire Department photographs – 1964 C151 Meteor JKL automobile, 18 Ashton Manor 1964

Vintage Automobile Photographs - 2419 Eglinton Avenue East, Main Line Auto Lease aug 28 1975

Aemilius Jarvis driving a car 1912
Aemilius Jarvis driving a car – 1912
Armed forces men and automobile in OC Cavalcade, by Princes' Gates 1941
Armed forces men and automobile in OC Cavalcade, by Princes’ Gates – 1941
Auto show at Armouries, showing electric car (left). - 1912
Auto show at Armouries, showing electric car (left). – 1912
Auto show, Armouries. - 1912
Auto show, Armouries. – 1912
Auto show, Armouries. - 1913
Auto show, Armouries. – 1913
Automobile - CPR official inspection car oct 12 1916
Automobile – CPR official inspection car oct 12 1916
Automobile at CNE 1936
Automobile at CNE 1936
Automobile on muddy Morley Avenue. - 1912
Automobile on muddy Morley Avenue. – 1912
Automobile polo at CNE stadium. - [between 1913 and 1919]
Automobile polo at CNE stadium. – [between 1913 and 1919]
Toronto Fire Department photograph Chief William J. Russell with department car, an Oakland automobile, at Adelaide Street Firehall 1927-1940
Toronto Fire Department photograph Chief William J. Russell with department car, an Oakland automobile, at Adelaide Street Firehall 1927-1940
Crash during automobile race, CNE Grandstand. - [ca. 1930]
Crash during automobile race, CNE Grandstand. – [ca. 1930]
Damaged automobile, Ontario Street 1909
Damaged automobile, Ontario Street 1909
Danforth Auto Body and Courtby Motors - 1965
Danforth Auto Body and Courtby Motors – 1965
Denton Massey with unidentified man and automobile 194?
Denton Massey with unidentified man and automobile 194?
Toronto Fire Department photographs Deputy Chief Duncan McLean in City of Toronto automobile 1927-1940
Toronto Fire Department photographs Deputy Chief Duncan McLean in City of Toronto automobile 1927-1940
Toronto Fire Department photographs Deputy Chief George Sinclair and Buick car and driver, Adelaide Street 1928
Toronto Fire Department photographs Deputy Chief George Sinclair and Buick car and driver, Adelaide Street 1928
Electric automobile in accident on Glen Road Bridge. - [1912]
Electric automobile in accident on Glen Road Bridge. – [1912]
Electric car and first motor vehicle built in Canada at auto show, Armouries. - 1912
Electric car and first motor vehicle built in Canada at auto show, Armouries. – 1912
Ford exhibit Monte Carlo carnival - june 7 1957
Ford exhibit Monte Carlo carnival – june 7 1957
General Montgomery saluting crowds from automobile on Bay Street on the way to Old City Hall aug 31 1946
General Montgomery saluting crowds from automobile on Bay Street on the way to Old City Hall aug 31 1946
Governor General Alexander and Lady Alexander in automobile, possibly outside Old City Hall may 23 1946
Governor General Alexander and Lady Alexander in automobile, possibly outside Old City Hall may 23 1946
Group in old automobile, Dougherty Bros. service station, French River 194?
Group in old automobile, Dougherty Bros. service station, French River 194?
Group with old automobile 193?
Group with old automobile 193?
Indoor Auto Mart Car dealership, Eglinton Avenue East 1974
Indoor Auto Mart Car dealership, Eglinton Avenue East 1974
Man (Robinson?) and two women in automobile in front of University College 1931
Man (Robinson?) and two women in automobile in front of University College 1931
Mayor Tommy L. Church (in top hat) and naval officers. - 1917
Mayor Tommy L. Church (in top hat) and naval officers. – 1917
McLaughlin Motor Company, used Packard car. - May 29, 1929
McLaughlin Motor Company, used Packard car. – May 29, 1929
men in auto with group of on-lookers, on Temperance St., across from the Automobile and Supply Co. Ltd., 22-26 Temperance St 1902
men in auto with group of on-lookers, on Temperance St., across from the Automobile and Supply Co. Ltd., 22-26 Temperance St 1902
Miss Dyment talking to driver of automobile at auto show, Armouries 1912
Miss Dyment talking to driver of automobile at auto show, Armouries 1912
Miss Toronto 1947 Margaret Marshall arrives in automobile at Old City Hall 1948
Miss Toronto 1947 Margaret Marshall arrives in automobile at Old City Hall 1948
Motor Show, first car being hoisted, side, Simpson Bldg. - January 4, 1929
Motor Show, first car being hoisted, side, Simpson Bldg. – January 4, 1929
Motor Show, preparing first car for hoisting, Simpson Bldg. - January 4, 1929
Motor Show, preparing first car for hoisting, Simpson Bldg. – January 4, 1929
Nat Turofsky next to automobile 1930
Nat Turofsky next to automobile 1930
Nat Turofsky with automobile 1942
Nat Turofsky with automobile 1942
Old Overland car after accident on Coxwell Avenue may 28 1919
Old Overland car after accident on Coxwell Avenue may 28 1919
Ontario Safety League july 28 1923
Ontario Safety League july 28 1923
Ontario Safety League's and British Petroleum's %22Mr. Beep%22 automobile at Old City Hall 1959
Ontario Safety League’s and British Petroleum’s “22Mr. Beep” 22 automobile at Old City Hall 1959
People in automobile watching first airplane flight, Weston. - July, 1910
People in automobile watching first airplane flight, Weston. – July, 1910
Philmac motors, Marmon 68 Sedan. - May 1, 1929
Philmac motors, Marmon 68 Sedan. – May 1, 1929
Philmac motors, McLaughlin Sedan. - May 1, 1929
Philmac motors, McLaughlin Sedan. – May 1, 1929
Philmac motors, Oldsmobile roadster. - May 1, 1929
Philmac motors, Oldsmobile roadster. – May 1, 1929
Queen Elizabeth II in automobile, moving past spectators on Bay Street 1959
Queen Elizabeth II in automobile, moving past spectators on Bay Street 1959
Race between iceboat and automobile, Toronto Bay. - [1908?]
Race between iceboat and automobile, Toronto Bay. – [1908?]
Westgrove Rammbler Car Dealership 1961
Westgrove Rammbler Car Dealership 1961
White Rose Car Dealership 1961
White Rose Car Dealership 1961
William Albert "Bill" Harris by automobile 1931
William Albert “Bill” Harris by automobile 1931
Winner of iceboat and car race, Toronto Bay 1912
Winner of iceboat and car race, Toronto Bay 1912

See more historic photos from Toronto on the Toronto Archives website.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography