Great Programming Surrounding Pompeii Exhibit at the ROM

Pompeii exhibit

If you have, or have not, checked out the Pompeii exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, you may want to read about these new ways for adults to experience it this Fall.

Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano opened on June 12th with a themed Friday Night Live at the Rom party. The exhibit features 200 objects excavated from the site around Mount Vesuvius where a violent eruption 2000 years ago decimated the nearby city of Pompeii. The show will continue to run until January 3rd, 2016.

Here is a list of upcoming events surrounding Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano.


-ROM Speaks: Signature Series Events-

Vesuvius Ensemble featuring La Scala-trained tenor Francesco Pellegrino

Join us for an extraordinary performance of traditional Italian music inspired by the land of Pompeii. Enjoy exclusive after-hours access to

Kitchen Conversations: Neopolitan Gastronomy

UPDATE: due to popular demand, a new block of tickets is now available
Italian-inspired culinary event with Ernesto Iaccarino, Executive Chef/Owner of 2-Michelin Star Don Alfonso 1890 Restaurant and Hotel, located in Sorrento, Italy. Chef Iaccarino’s ROM appearance is sponsored by the Consulate General of Italy.

Italian Extravaganza

As Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano winds down at the ROM, celebrate its successful engagement with a gastronomic extravaganza of Neopolitan food and drink. We will take you on a journey of the best wines and food offered by Italy. Enjoy exclusive after-hours access to the exhibition.

ROM Speaks: Signature Series Events Single Tickets
General Public: $50 Member: $45 Teacher/Student: $45 (HST will be added)


Volcano: Creator and Destroyer

Benjamin Andrews of the Smithsonian Institute takes his audience on a journey through explosive volcanic eruptions such as that seen at Pompeii in 79 AD. Andrews’ talk includes a look at the impact of volcanic activities on regional and global environments, and human societies.

The Enduring Legacy of Rome

Kenneth Lapatin of the J. Paul Getty Museum offers an examination of the re-discovery of Pompeii, its influence on Neoclassicism, and the impact of Rome on the modern psyche.

Pompeii: Art and Life

Professor Massimo Osanna, Superintendent of the Archaeological Site of Pompeii, joins us to discuss the extraordinary art of Pompeii and its impact on Italian history and culture.
* please note a change in speaker for this lecture only

What Happens in Pompeii, Stays in Pompeii: Sexuality in the Roman World

Paul Roberts of Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford looks behind the closed doors of the ancient metropolis of Pompeii. From bathhouses and prostitutes, to villas and erotic artwork, Dr. Roberts explores the private side of life in the Roman world.

For more information on the six (6)-pack which includes four (4) Pompeii Lectures (October 27, November 17, November 24, December 8), and two (2) Signature Events (October 13 & December 1), see here or call 416.586.5797.


-Adult Workshops-

Sex, Violence & Volcanoes

Rome built a nearly unrivalled empire, but no human force could resist the power of a fiery volcano. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius buried several Roman towns, leaving behind stunning remains that archaeologists continue to bring to life. Spend the day touring through Rome’s greatest achievements, as well as learning of everyday life as shown in the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum with ROM educator George Hewson. Tour of the ROM’s Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Rome and the Near East, and Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano.

Please note that this course includes mature content, and is not recommended for guests under the age of 18. Lunch is included.

Judaism: From Ancient Mystery to Modern Monotheism

Explore the origins of Monotheistic traditions in this full day workshop. From Mesopotamia and Egypt, to the world of Pompeii, the ROM’s galleries and collections will inspire you to delve deep into the ancient origins of the Jewish tradition. Tour the Museum with ROM Educator Geri Durbin as she unravels the history behind the rise of Monotheism in the ancient and modern world. Your day will include a guided visit to Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano.

Please note that this course may include mature content, and is not recommended for guests under the age of 18. Lunch is included.


-Friday Night Live (FNL)-

Volcanic Bash

The finale of the fall #FNLROM session promises to be one big eruption of a good time!



About Joel Levy 2619 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography