Tragedy Plus Time: Toronto-based Comedian Rob Baker

Rob Baker, a Toronto-based comedian, is quickly becoming a standout figure in Canada’s comedy scene with his quick wit and sharp, observational humour. Known for his candid and often uproarious takes on modern life, Baker connects with audiences through relatable stories and unexpected punchlines. His performances, marked by a blend of clever wordplay and candid storytelling, have garnered him a loyal following in comedy clubs and festivals alike.

Rob Baker

How would you describe your comedy style?

Great question. If you asked audience members this after seeing me in a show, they’d say sexy. There’s just a vibe in the room when I’m making laughies. Lotta bones in jeans, you know? Also loud. I yell at people A LOT.

Who are some of your influences?

I feel like I never stop gathering influences. Growing up I loved the over-the-top commitment of Chris Farley. He committed so hard he MADE you laugh. But also one time I was in a show with Rowdy Roddy Piper and he power slammed Jason DeRosse. How can that dedication not become part of your DNA? Another time I asked my two-year-old if they wanted some carrots, and they were like “Bumph.” Just “bumph”. I use that shit all the time now.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Great question.

I’ll never get tired of John Ritter falling down on Three’s Company. But then there’s Macho Man Randy Savage talking about a “cup of coffee” or “hotdogging it.” I’m always trying to fit “hotdogging it” into a sentence. Too funny. But then I once had this neighbour who was always way too high and he had deer antlers attached to his 10-speed handlebars. There’s nothing funnier than that. So, to answer your question I’d probably say Eddie Murphy.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Great question. Listen, Hannah Gadsby rules. They just radiate confidence onstage. They’re magnetic and sexy as hell. I love the way they see the world. I love how they don’t take any shit. They rule.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Great question. Here’s something you gotta know about me. I get in an argument with some stranger like every day. Not the same stranger. A different stranger every day. There’s always some goof letting their dog run at me, or driving too close to me on my bike, or littering, and then I gotta unleash the my mouth beast on them and, as Key and Peele say, put the pussy on the chain wax. And then my adrenaline is going, I’m all worked up, and I forget why I’ve left the house. So, my pre-show ritual is the opposite of that.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

Ever?? One time I performed at Massey Hall with Martin Short. And we were going to do this scene where we come onstage marching like soldiers. Then I pick him up, he puts his thumb in my mouth and I play him like a bagpipe. But right before we go on, he says “You need a kilt.” So we go to his wardrobe and he finds me a kilt. But its too tight. He tells me to take off my pants. Then Martin grabs a huge safety pin, gets on his knees in front of me, and attaches the kilt to me with the pin. Then we go onstage in front of 5000 people and do the scene. At the end of it, I put him down so he can bow, and the safety pin breaks. I catch the kilt, but as he bows, the audience starts roaring laughing at me holding my kilt. Martin looks back at me with a “WTF are you doing?” kind of look, and I do a weird Irish jig to get offstage. That was pretty good.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

GREAT question. I could tell you about a song I wrote at Second City called Pink Note. You know how they say there’s a brown note, a musical note that when played makes you crap your pants? Well, the pink note is a note that I sing that, ahem, makes a pussy wet. I’d sing a song about that and arouse the audience probably too much. Lotta bones in jeans, y’know? But really, my favourite bit of all time wasn’t even onstage. One night, my friend Jan Caruana and I started calling our friend Alastair Forbes’ penis “the baby”. Like, “Aw, would ya look at the baby! It’s so cute.” Or “I wanna hold the baby.” That’s a great bit.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Probably my wife? She watches all the stand-up specials and then let’s me know what’s good. Also Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll’s IG. He posts a lot of other funny people’s material in his stories. Thanks Rod! But also, honestly, nothing beats seeing a new funny person at a live show. That’ll never not be thrilling.

Tell us a joke about your city.

I didn’t like this question, so I asked ChatGPT to write it. I got: “Q: What’s Toronto’s favourite exercise? A: The Skytrain, because they’re always climbing to new heights!” I love this joke. I don’t really get it and it’s actually about Vancouver. No notes.

Where can we follow you?

I’m @robbibaker I think everywhere

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Watch out on the film festival circuit for a dark comedy I penned, The Light Before The Sun, and stay tuned for a doc series I co-created called Locals Welcome coming to CBC in 2025.

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

GREAT QUESTION. If you go see Mrs. Beast or Little Miss Normal do an improv set, you’ll see all the funniest people in the city all at once!


About Emilea Semancik 183 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to freelance her own pieces and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. She is also a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of recipe books. You can find her recipes on Instagram. @ancestral.foods