Homegrown Business: Meghan Victoria of Sol Kyst

Meghan Victoria is the Founder and Designer of Sol Kyst, a size-inclusive sunglass line that is designed to fit and flatter. The company caters to individuals with wide faces, wide areas between the eyes, and high cheekbones. Meghan started Sol Kyst to address the issue of standardized-size eyewear and to create sunglasses that fit well and look great. With 10 years of experience as a makeup artist, she knew how to create designs that would bring balance and beauty to each individual’s face shape. Sol Kyst is an e-commerce business selling glasses directly to consumers worldwide. Stay tuned to hear more about Sol Kyst as Meghan shares her journey, clientele, and what makes her business unique.

Sol Kyst

What is your business called and what does it do?

Sol Kyst. We are a size-inclusive sunglasses line designed to fit and flatter. Originally created to fill the gap in the market of standardized size eyewear and create sunglasses for wide faces. We have now expanded our sizing with Wide, Midi and Mini frames ranging from 135-158mm to accommodate all face shapes to be the first truly size-inclusive sunglass company.

What made you want to do this work?

It started for me with a personal story of sitting on the beach, feeling insecure wearing my ill-fitting sunglasses. I knew it was a frivolous thing to feel insecure about but I realized then that if your jeans or shoes didn’t fit, you could just grab another size. That wasn’t the case with sunglasses and I didn’t need to force myself to accept an ill-fitting product. I wanted to create sunglasses that not only fit in the width but really flattered the face. With 10 years of experience as a makeup artist, and seeing thousands of faces in my chair I knew I could create a new and thoughtfully crafted design to bring the most beauty and balance to the wider face.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

Sol Kyst was created as an eyewear brand and a way to give back to an underserved niche while providing the best quality product available.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

The original demographic I was designing for was Wide Face Babes. We heard over and over how much our customers loved finding glasses that truly fit their faces. And as word spread, we had an influx of potential customers asking if/when we would be able to make smaller sizes too. I am gradually rolling out all designs in 3 sizes (mini, midi, wide).

How does your business make money? How does it work?

Sol Kyst is currently an e-commerce business selling directly to consumers. Customers can visit our website to purchase products directly.

Where in the city can we find your profession?

Our main headquarters is located in Toronto, ON. From here we sell and ship worldwide!

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

What makes your glasses special/different?

Our entire existence is what makes us unique and different. Yes, we are the widest glasses on the market but we truly design to bring balance and beauty to the wider face thinking about the features associated with the individual face shapes.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Best: Connecting with customers and building the brand. Feeling and enjoying the difference we make in our customers’ lives truly makes my day!

Worse: Numbers, cash flow, expenses and forever putting out fires with things going wrong outside of our control.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

Why become a firefighter when you can be a business owner and put out fires all day long!

Where can we follow you?

Website | Instagram | TikTok

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another local business that you love?

Saya the Label.


About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography