Tragedy Plus Time: Toronto Comedian Anjelica Scannura

Anjelica Scannura is a local comedian who recently performed at Massey Hall on New Year’s Eve, had an EP released across all audio platforms with JFL Originals, and constantly tours the province with Yuk Yuk’s. We got a chance to speak with her to find out more about her comedy style, her influences and where we can follow her.

Anjelica Scannura

How would you describe your comedy style?

Brash and in-your-face, with lots of wild-act outs and unique observations about mostly relatable things.

Who are some of your influences?

Adrienne Iapalucci because of her razor-sharp joke writing and risk-taking, Katt Williams for his stage presence and Ali Wong for being fierce, doing it all, and making her own rules.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

I started listening to Dane Cook in high school when he blew up on MySpace (the good ol’ days). He was huge back then, selling out Madison Square Garden and starring in films. I was drawn to him because he did such huge act-outs, and that piqued my interest because I love physical comedy. I remember lip-syncing his albums in my bedroom and pretending I was on tour, which looking back was very foreshadowing behavior.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

I’m very into Jessica Kirson, and enjoy fangirling all of her crowdwork clips online.

What is your pre-show ritual?

I do bizarre theatre school warm-up exercises. Barking like a dog on all fours, tongue twisters and jumping jacks to physically release the nerves to name a few.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

My favourite place I’ve performed was definitely Massey Hall this past New Year’s Eve. 7 years ago I saw one of my fave comedians Brian Regan at Massey Hall and never thought I’d get to be up there within the decade. Getting to take the stage that so many iconic artists have taken before me was surreal. When it comes to clubs, Yuk Yuk’s is my home. There are multiple locations across the country, but when I hit the Downtown Toronto stage or Yuk Yuk’s Burlington, it feels magical. And yes, I did just say that Burlington can feel magical. The staff always set aside a couple of hotdogs for me too, which I appreciate.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I come from a pretty extensive pro dance background and it’s one of my go-to subjects to joke about. I used to compete in Irish dancing and I bring it up in my set. Ultimately, I lead the audience into heckling me to show them some Irish dancing and I say “OK, but I’m a little rusty, so I’m just going to show you the upper body.” And then I just stand there with my arms glued to my sides. I’m proud of it because it gets a huge reaction and it’s my easiest act-out. Getting a huge laugh for standing there, doing nothing and saying nothing is a win in my books.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Travelling to different cities and exploring their comedy scenes is always my preferred way.

Tell us a joke about your city.

I’m proud that Toronto is home to the Toronto Blue Jays. I love baseball because it’s the only sport I can afford to be a fan of. Not only is it cheap to go, it’s plentiful; football only has 17 games a season. Well, the CFL has 18 (which is just one more game to ignore IMO), but baseball has 160 games! Sure, football on a Sunday afternoon is great, but who’s there for you on a Tuesday at 3 pm?

Do you have anything to promote right now?

A few things!

I have an EP that just released that was recorded at Just For Laughs Toronto with JFL Originals.

I curate and host the Haymaker Comedy Festival in Prince Edward County with the County Stage Co. We are going into our 3rd year and our dates are June 27-29th, 2024. Line-ups announced soon!

I have a comedic lifestyle channel on YouTube called Anjelica’s Daily Surprise. It has fitness, food, and fun with special guests. Linked below.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram | YouTube | LinkTree

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Local heavy hitters for me are Cameron Phoenix, Faraz Niafattah and Zabrina Douglas.


About Joel Levy 2629 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography