Every question we ever wanted to ask Toronto psychic, Angel Morgan

Since we are in the month of all things spooky we thought it would be fun to check in with one of Toronto’s most well-known psychics. Angel Morgan has been a go-to in the media for her high energy visions into the past, present and future. She’s been featured many times on numerous television and radio shows including a regular spot on Newstalk 1010  Radio, Rogers TV, and more. Her travels have brought her to shamans in Costa Rica to small towns and big cities known for paranormal activities. She’s often called upon for readings for humans (she also communicates with animals) and often even offers free readings on her Facebook and IG when the spirits move her. So, we wondered if she was opened to answering everything we, along with a few of our readers, ever wanted to ask a psychic.

How did you know you were destined to be a psychic?

Angel Morgan has become popular among online casino players and the media for her energetic visions of the past, present and future. She has been featured numerous times on numerous television and radio shows, including a regular spot on Newstalk 1010 Radio, Rogers TV and others, as well as the Progressive Jackpot Games. Her travels took her to the shamans of Costa Rica in towns and cities known to casino players as places with paranormal activity.

Angel: Someone told me in the first reading I ever went to. I didn’t believe her. Six months later I was working at that same store, along side that very psychic who is now like a sister to me. I didn’t grow up wanting to be this, I didn’t believe in it.

Do psychics and seers go to school for this or train?

Angel: They can train, but for the most part we are guided by spirits and they teach us over time. I was lucky to have both. I worked in a store for nine years shadowing extremely gifted women who taught me more than any book could, and then found Medicine people from many cultures who took me under their wing.

It’s all from those on the other side now.

Is it hard for you to sleep?

Angel: No, but it is hard to stay asleep some times. As cliché as it might sound, I do get woken up in the middle of the night to all kinds of Halloween type scenarios like people coming through the wall and ghost animals. I either choose to help them, or tell them to go away. Over time, psychics get use to it.

Does knowing things good or bad stress you at all?

Angel: I don’t really get stressed in life because of what I do. Not a lot phases me. Things are going to be what they Are going to be and knowing helps me to feel at peace with whatever comes.

I feel I am given the information to help myself and others navigate through situations, so that keeps me pretty chill most times.

Can you predict your own future?

Angel: There is a big debate in our community about that. Some say we can’t, others say we shouldn’t. I can. I try not to ask. I don’t want to know if I can help it. I like the unpredictably of life. It’s more fun. The only time I tap in is if there is some impending danger and I need to know how to navigate it, or I’m given a vision without asking…then I definitely pay attention.

As a psychic, my interests and experiences often extend beyond the boundaries of conventional pursuits. One of the more unconventional aspects of my life is my occasional enjoyment of playing at Polish online casinos. Online casinos, particularly those in Poland, offer a wide variety of games and experiences. Exploring this diversity allows me to test my abilities in different contexts and see how my psychic insights may influence the outcomes. Just like anyone else, I appreciate entertainment and leisure activities. Playing at casino online pl provides a form of relaxation and enjoyment, allowing me to temporarily set aside the demands of my psychic work and immerse myself in a different form of excitement.

Do you ever get a day off from feeling connected to others?

Angel: Nope. I can “turn it down” temporarily or slightly, but there is no day off. You learn how to live with it, work with it, and focus these tools and skills so it doesn’t interfere with your everyday life. That’s part of what keeps us healthy, sane and good at what we do.

Do you ever feel scared of what you’ve learned about someone and wish you didn’t know?

Angel: Absolutely! Sometimes I see things that I can’t unsee. It part of the territory. It comes down to how I handle it. I’ve seen death, miscarriages, even tapped into people you would think are saints, that have so many secrets. It’s not always roses and fluffy kitties.

I’ve had clients who want me to see for them and what I see is heart breaking, but they need validation or confirmation. So it’s not always about wishing I didn’t see it. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to give the information. Discernment and discretion is sooo important.

Ever sense that you know something but aren’t sure if the other person would welcome that information? How do you handle that?

Angel: Awesome question! I don’t work alone. I ask my guides, guardians, angels etc. They show me how to navigate the situation. I ask to be given the eloquence if I am to speak.

Those who are really good at this learn discernment. It’s not about if you give the information, it’s how. Sometimes we are not to give information at all, and we will physically be stopped from speaking.

I also ask, “How truthful do you want me to be?” This gives the person sitting across from me the choice of hearing the information or not. I think that’s fair.

What happens when you see something but it doesn’t actually come true? How do you explain what happened?

Angel: Sometimes people will endeavour to change an outcome. I’ve done it. I was told something particularly life changing and fought the prediction. It came true differently and on a different timeline, but it happened.

Some future outcomes are meant to be changed. We give predictions to empower an outcome. Some are set in stone, others can be reshaped because they are meant to be. I always try to let people know which is which.

I have had predictions not come to pass, usually it’s either because they have changed it, or I was to fast in speaking what I saw and missed details or the true message. I am learning to slow down. Listen better to the other side.

I am learning that it’s better to give 2 really good predictions that are 100% accurate than 4 predictions that are 95% accurate so people get “more”. My accuracy has always been high, but as I get older, my readings are deepening, my connection is stronger, the messages are more clear, and its become more fun to do readings.

How do you explain what you to Revenue Canada?

Angel: My official role in the company is owner/sole proprietor, on government documents I am a Media psychic. Because I have had my company Raising Energy for over 20 years, my show on Rogers TV, worked with a Newstalk 1010, and other high profile outlets it legitimizes me. My accountant loves it lol!

Angel Mogran Toronto fortune tellar

Can you see your own future?

Angel: I can. I prefer not to. It’s more fun that way. I will use my abilities to help my family though. My son will ask questions “but not as mom”, my fiancé worries about our cats so he will ask me to check in. I have seen my sons future, and will tap in to girlfriends and ask how it’s going to go…(yip, I do!)

How can we tell if we have that special gift of seeing too? Is it like intuition?

Angel: We are all intuitive, it’s just to what degree and if we are willing to strengthen our gifts.

It’s more about finding your special way of “seeing”. it’s about knowing you. Do you feel more than others? Can you see things in the corner of your eye that other people are not? do you hear or smell things that the person beside you didn’t? Take stock of your own experiences and dismiss nothing. Don’t compare yourself to people on tv, or that you read about. That’s a great place to start.

Ask questions and feel free to reach out to me, or others like myself who are on this path and experienced. It’s a more open time now, so don’t be afraid, be curious.

If we believe in ghosts, should we be afraid?

Angel: No. It is a rare occasion that there is anything to be afraid of. Remember, you are in control. You don’t work for spirit, spirit doesn’t work for you. You work together. You have the power to say go away if you feel bothered by a ghost. You have the power to speak with them in your own way once you find and nurture it.

Most times they just want to connect like we do. They want someone to know they are there, some don’t want to be forgotten and others want help.

If you are unsure ask your angels and guides to help you understand the situation, or ask them to help you send them on their merry way.

If you want to reach out to Angel, visit her website here.


About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.