Toronto comic Ted Morris is performing his “Dawn of the Ted” this coming weekend!

We had the opportunity to catch up with Ted Morris, stand-up comic, small animal vet, gay nerd and occasional drag Queen about his upcoming album “Dawn of the Ted”.

Ted Morris

How would you describe your comedy style?

Cheeky, dark jokes told with a toothy grin.

Who are some of your influences?

Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall, Martin Short (especially when he’s being mean!), John Candy. Oh, and my dad, one of the funniest people on the planet.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

This hasn’t aged well, but I used to love listening to my parents’ Bill Cosby albums. Eddie Murphy’s “Raw” and “Delirious” videos also featured prominently in my preteen life. I’d just inwardly cringe and laugh way too loud until we got past the gay jokes.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

I’ve seen them perform a million times and they never fail to make me howl with laughter…my pals Debra DiGiovanni and Mike Wilmot.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Watching the show! I love watching the rest of the comics on the show and tagging their jokes when it’s my turn on stage. If I’m hosting I watch the audience and try to pick out the table I’m going to love and the table that’s going to be trouble!

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

The Stand in Glasgow, Scotland. It’s a small, dingy basement room with a stage the size of a napkin so it feels as if the audience is right on top of you. It’s stand-up comedy in its purest form. I get so much energy from that audience that I’m shaking when I get off stage.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Live shows, hands down. Podcasts, albums and TV/streaming specials are all well and good for making comics pop up on my radar, but I never truly love a performer until I’ve seen them live!

Do you have anything to promote right now?

My debut comedy album “Dawn of the Ted”! I’m really proud of it! My next live performance is at Courtyard Comedy, happening Saturday, August 28th @ 3 pm.

Where can we follow you?

Ted Morris is @dogtorted on all the socials, Instagram | Twitter

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

I’ve been loving watching Alice Rose coming into her own on stage! Definitely a fresh and unique voice!

Tell us a joke.

A newly married couple is about to consummate their marriage on their wedding night. It’s the first time they’ll see each other naked, let’s alone fool around.

Husband takes off his socks and his new bride notices that his toes look strange.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? That’s because I had toe-lio when I was younger”

His pants come off next and his bride sees his very strange knees.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I had knee-sles when I was younger”

Finally, his underwear comes off and his bride says

“Looks like you had small cox too”



About Demian Vernieri 737 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.