Definition Of Knowledge is a Toronto based comedy duo who have performed at festivals like Boston’s Women in Comedy Festival and as part of JFL42 in Toronto.
Throughout their comedy, they use spoken word to satirize topics like race, gender, identity and 90s rap. They are now releasing an album called Gentrify This with female-centric comedy record label Howl And Roar.
We got a chance to chat with Bryn and Hannan to find out more about them.

How would you describe your comedy style?
BOTH – We’re glad you asked, because our style is actually very weird! We’re a sketch duo with only one sketch, which is making fun of slam poetry. We do fake poems and riff with each other, and somehow it works! Sometimes we tackle tough issues like identity, animal penises or DMX, but we always make sure that we’re having fun out there.
Who are some of your influences?
BOTH – Honestly, our biggest influences have been Youtube videos of awkward and self important teens in high school poetry slams and talent shows. Most of our material has been inspired by the two of us watching high school talent nights on Youtube like a couple of total creeps.
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
BOTH – Growing up, both of our fave comedian was Rude Jude from Jenny Jones.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
BRYN – My current fave comedian is probably that clown Michael Bloomberg, am I right? Have you gotten a load of this clown? But seriously, it would probably have to be Joe Biden. Can you believe that clown, too? Okay, seriously though… Joe Rogan.
HANNAN – Bryn Thottie. Bryn has an alter ego character that he does named Bryn Thottie and it’s brilliant.
What is your pre-show ritual?
BOTH – No word of a lie, before every show we always tell each other “This one is probably the one where they turn on us and we have to quit forever” and then we nervously run lines and remind each other to have “big energy”.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
BRYN- My personal fave was the Sketch Fest in Austin, Texas. The festival organizers treated us incredibly well, and the whole city is so much fun. Also, I got to see a museum tour guide hammer a nail up his nose, then ask me for a tip but I didn’t have any cash, so we just awkwardly had to hang out for the rest of the tour. We got to open for one of my fave comedians (next to Mike Bloomberg, of course, have you gotten a load of that clown, btw?) James Adomian, and then a friend of mine from high school rushed the stage to give us flowers. A truly magical night!
HANNAN – We did a show in Kingston and it was pleasantly surprising! afterwards we went to some guys house and ate cake. It was dope.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
BOTH – The best way to find new comics is to just go check out a show. It’s one of the cheapest night out options, and even if it sucks you’ll have something fun to talk about at work the next day! You might even get to be at the show where the crowd finally turns on us and we quit forever.
Do you have anything to promote right now?
BOTH – We are currently promoting our first album Gentrify This.
It’s a tour album that features all our best material, performed in places like schools, boardrooms, streetcars and answering machines.
Where can we follow you?
BOTH – Follow our Instagram at @definitionofknowledge
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
There are so many local comedians to profile, but for us it would be a toss up between Garrett Jamieson and Preeti Torul.
Tell us a joke.
BRYN – Here’s a joke, some people are saying to themselves “I think I will volunteer to help Michael Bloomberg become the president, because he is a man I believe in.” I mean, have you seen this guy?