Sweating is good for you at the new Dew Sweat House

Many of us are feeling a lot of stress. Sure we can blame it on work, politics, social media, and mercury retrograde but what can we do about it? We are constantly told that we need to take care of ourselves. Finding the time is one thing. Finding something effective that doesn’t break the bank is another. When we had learned about a new Dew Sweat House (811 Gerrard Street East), we were intrigued.

Reading about the benefits of a sweat session sounded like everything I needed so I grabbed my friend, Libby, and headed down one afternoon. And quite honestly, the idea of spending an hour cozy doing absolutely nothing but catching up on Netflix was very appealing.

dew sweat house Toronto

The clean, bright airy space of the Dew Sweat House is welcoming. Owners Sue and Julianna explain how everything works for new comers. There are four beds separated with linen curtains that can be drawn for privacy …or if you’re like us, you can leave them open amongst friends. Wearing your most comfortable sweats (or yoga wear) you slide inside the  blankets and that’s it. Libby is a fan of hot yoga so she knew she could handle the temperature warmer. I mentioned that I’m not a fan of saunas or hot yoga so my temperature was adjusted to a starting level. The temperature of the blankets actually remain constant throughout the session — we learned it’s actually the body’s core temperature the is raised safely, thanks to their FAR infrared heat blankets.

For most of the time, it felt like I was just embraced by a long warm and beautiful hug from neck to toe. A welcoming feeling on a cold winter’s day! A bottle of water is left bedside and a cooling towel with a hint of lavender, or other essential oils, is placed on your forehead for the last 15 minutes of the session. This is when your body actually sweats.

Afterwards, you don’t shower but you’re encouraged to just relax for at least 45 minutes. Bring an extra set of clothes if you must and plan on just going home rather than a night out to enjoy the full benefits. Drink lots of water.

I was pretty stressed out before heading into Dew and this was a great experience. I *may* have fallen asleep – which is not uncommon. When all was done I felt a sense of clarity and boy did I want to just get home and straight to bed. Oh, yes, I definitely slept well for a few nights!

dew sweat house Toronto

I had a chance to ask co-owner Sue Kuruvilla more…

Where did you get this idea from and where you had experienced it before?

Sue: Last year I was dealing with my mom being sick and had a lot of sleepless nights. I went to LA for a leadership conference and met up with a friend who suggested we try one of the many infrared sauna spas in the city.

One try and I was hooked. I decided to hit up another infrared sauna before I headed back to Toronto – and couldn’t get over the sense of calm and relaxation I felt each time. I came back from the trip feeling a renewed sense of energy amidst the chaos.

Why did you decide to bring this experience to Toronto?

Sue: I came back and told my long-time friend Julianne Smola about the experience and we started discussing the potential of bringing the experience to Toronto. We started researching and found a company in California to custom make our blankets. Both of us wanted to develop a business that would help people on self-care and relieving stress. Julianne and I both were deeply impacted by the cancer diagnoses of our immediate loved ones. We both experienced first hand the physical and emotional impact stress can have on your body and spirit. We wanted to bring something to Toronto that would help others to pause for a moment, relax and focus on themselves.

We also offer cancer patients who have recently completed treatment their first sweat session for FREE. We encourage post-treatment sweating to avoid any interference with their specialized prescribed treatment plan.

When would one experience a difference? 

Sue: From the first session you will feel a sense of relaxation, and most “sweaters” have reported having a deep sleep for the nights following even their first sweat.

You feel a difference almost immediately, once you allow your body to naturally return to its normal temperature. We suggest you wait 45 minutes before showering to reap the maximum benefits.

After a few sessions – people have reported glowing skin, consistent deeper sleep, a sense of relaxation, pain relief and exercise muscle recovery.

Research has also shown that consistent use can help with anxiety and chronic fatigue.


How often would someone have to go to have optimal benefits?

Sue: The effects can be felt immediately, so if you are looking for a deeper sleep, immediately glowing skin etc. for an occasion – it is great every once in while.

We recommend whatever feels good for you. You can do safely do it daily, but we recommend doing it one to 3 times per week to maximize the benefits.

Dew Sweat House is located at 811 Gerrard Street East, Toronto.

For more information visit: www.dewsweathouse.com



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.