TORONTO by Photographer Abdulkadir A

photographer Abdulkadir A
Photo by Abdulkadir A

Photographer Abdulkadir A submitted this photo he took of Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto. In the back, you can see “New” City Hall, the public stage and the Toronto sign that was installed during the Pan Am Games in Toronto.

With the weather changing, this reflecting pool will soon be changed into the ice skating rink. Visitors can skate free of charge and rent ice skates at the building to the left of the photo.

In this photo, you can also see the large condo building that was built at Yonge and Gerrard. The strips of lights that were added to the top of that building, now makes it more pronounced in the Toronto skyline.

To the right of this photo, just out of frame, the “Old” City Hall building, which was moved into in 1900, is a great attraction for photos if you are visiting the area. Prior to 1900, the City Hall was located at Front and Jarvis in the building that is now the St. Lawrence Market. “New” City Hall was moved into in 1965. Almost time for a “Newer” City Hall.


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About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography