Designer and Artist Patrick Lightheart

Artist Profile

“Patrick Lightheart’s work is well known for its ability to challenge and to appeal – and not all art does both at once. His experience as an urban explorer in cities across North America and abroad informs the structure, mood and content of the work, but it’s his understanding and love of people that imbues the images with soul and energy.  He has a unique ability to draw something out in his human subjects that he alone sees and then he invites us all to look again by presenting them back to us, filtered through his lens; often in heroic and iconic poses that echo his scholarship in the areas of architecture and propaganda.  The optimism is Patrick’s art is, I think, a direct reaction to his experience through the apocalyptic decades of the AIDS crisis in the heart of Toronto’s Gay Ghetto and the social fabric of gay life in Toronto, Miami, New York and California.  There’s defiance in the images, heroism and an almost Olympic sense of triumph.  Every day superheroes.  It’s how Lightheart sees us – and it’s how we want to see ourselves.  We need that in our art.” – Tommy Smythe

Patrick Lightheart


1 – “Realness” is the piece I am donating to SNAP! 2015 for auction. I think doing something for a good cause like ACT is essential for anyone that has dealt with HIV and AIDS at any point in their life. It is something we can never stop supporting. I try to donate something every year.

2 – That’s me, messing around in my favourite shirt. You really can’t go wrong with Warhol.

3 – Where I walk when I need to think or am feeling down. Winter or summer it’s the perfect spot to clear your head.

4 – One of my favorites from my new collection of pillow covers that I am currently working on.

5 – I collect a lot of things from miniature architecture from around the world to vintage cameras. I had this given to me and it is one of my favourite things. Thanks Robert!

6 – This was the feature piece from a collection I did based on a trip to Fire Island. One of the best vacations I’ve ever been on.

7 – My bathroom shelf. Pretty much all I need to get ready in the morning.

8 – “Reach” This is the start of a new series I am currently working on.

What neighbourhood do you live in?

I live in Forest Hill, a nice place with lots of parks and beautiful homes. I like the mix of people here. It’s a great hood for biking also.

What do you do and where?

I am a self-employed designer and artist and have several projects on the go here in the city.

What are you working on?

I just recently took a trip to London, Nice and Paris. I was looking for inspiration and to get out of here for Christmas. I had something in mind but was not sure until I got there and found some of what I saw that I knew what I would be working on as my next project. There are so many monumental statues in Europe that I really felt a pull toward photographing as many of them as I could. I have always been attracted to classical art forms. I am also attracted to street art in all forms. I saw quite a bit of both while I was there and am working on blending the two subjects together in a series of mixed media pieces. I am also doing some interior design consulting for a great new client in Riverdale.

Where can we find your work?



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography