Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto (1910-1990)

Dive into Toronto’s past with a unique collection of photos from the Toronto Archives, chronicling the evolution of the city’s restaurants from 1900 to 1990. This blog offers a glimpse of iconic eateries, from bustling diners to upscale fine dining, that have shaped Toronto’s dining scene. Experience the history through images of vintage signs, classic interiors, and the restaurants that were once the heart of Toronto’s social life. These archives provide a window into the culinary landmarks of the past century, inviting readers to explore a visual narrative of Toronto’s diverse restaurant heritage.

Boat livery and restaurant, Humber River - Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto
1910 – Boat livery and restaurant, Humber River.
Gem saloon - Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto
1910 – Gem Saloon
Restaurant sign. - [ca. 1910] Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto
1910 – Restaurant sign
Lettering on restaurant window is partially in Hebrew. Photo appeared in the Toronto World, December 4, 1910, "Picturesque if not Artistic--Glimpses of 'The Ward'." - Chicken warehouse, Agnes Street - 1910? Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto
1910? – Lettering on restaurant window is partially in Hebrew. Photo appeared in the Toronto World, December 4, 1910, “Picturesque if not Artistic–Glimpses of ‘The Ward’.” – Chicken warehouse, Agnes Street.
P.V. Meyer & Co. Restaurant, 1801 Queen Street West looking east - July 28, 1911 Old Photographs of Restaurants in Toronto
July 28, 1911 – P.V. Meyer & Co. Restaurant, 1801 Queen Street West looking east.
April 15, 1913 - Humber Valley looking to Gough's Restaurant on old Bloor Street West - Vintage Restaurant Photographs
April 15, 1913 – Humber Valley looking to Gough’s Restaurant on old Bloor Street West
1913 - Orr Brothers restaurant, adjoining billiard academy, with over-hanging Humphrey gas arc lamps Vintage Restaurant Photographs
1913 – Orr Brothers restaurant, adjoining billiard academy, with over-hanging Humphrey gas arc lamps
October 15, 1913 - High Park — Vintage Restaurant Photographs
October 15, 1913 – High Park — restaurant
ca. 1916 - Interior of long narrow restaurant with bentwood chairs, mosaic floor and ceiling reminiscent of a railway car
ca. 1916 – Interior of long narrow restaurant with bentwood chairs, mosaic floor and ceiling reminiscent of a railway car
April 7, 1923 - Sunnyside RestaurantKing, Queen and Roncesvalles, north-west corner
April 7, 1923 – Sunnyside RestaurantKing, Queen and Roncesvalles, north-west corner
Sunnyside Pavillion - 1924
1924 – Sunnyside Pavillion
Main entrance to Sunnyside Pavilion Restaurant. - [1928?]
1928 – Main entrance to Sunnyside Pavilion Restaurant
Yonge Street near Wilton Square - Royal Restaurant on far right - 193?
193? – Yonge Street near Wilton Square – Royal Restaurant on far right.
382 Yonge Street, Charles' Restaurant - 1950
1950 – 382 Yonge Street, Charles’ Restaurant
1950 - 331-333 Yonge Street, occupied by Le Coq d'Or Tavern, 333 Yonge Street, with Olympia Bowling and Billiards on the 2nd floor, 331 Yonge Street
1950 – 331-333 Yonge Street, occupied by Le Coq d’Or Tavern, 333 Yonge Street, with Olympia Bowling and Billiards on the 2nd floor, 331 Yonge Street
1950 - 357-361 Yonge Street, occupied by S.C. Cooper Drugs, 357 Yonge Street, Rosticceria-Tavern, 359 Yonge Street, and Geo. Richards Men's Shop, 361 Yonge Street
1950 – 357-361 Yonge Street, occupied by S.C. Cooper Drugs, 357 Yonge Street, Rosticceria-Tavern, 359 Yonge Street, and Geo. Richards Men’s Shop, 361 Yonge Street
1950 - 367-371 Yonge Street, occupied by the Dominion Grill, 367 Yonge Street, Robinson's Clothes, 369 Yonge Street, and Acme Wines Ltd, 371 Yonge Street
1950 – 367-371 Yonge Street, occupied by the Dominion Grill, 367 Yonge Street, Robinson’s Clothes, 369 Yonge Street, and Acme Wines Ltd, 371 Yonge Street
1950 - 379-383 Yonge Street, occupied by the Bermuda Tavern, 379 Yonge Street, and the Yonge Street Mission, 381-383 Yonge Street
1950 – 379-383 Yonge Street, occupied by the Bermuda Tavern, 379 Yonge Street, and the Yonge Street Mission, 381-383 Yonge Street
1950 - looking south-east toward 387-391 Yonge Street, at Gerrard Street, occupied by Bassel's Lunch
1950 – looking south-east toward 387-391 Yonge Street, at Gerrard Street, occupied by Bassel’s Lunch
1950 - New Empress Grill
1950 – New Empress Grill
Exterior views of "The Flame" restaurant - Oct. 19, 1953
Oct. 19, 1953 – Exterior views of “The Flame” restaurant.
April 7, 1954 - 389 Yonge Street (Bassel's Restaurant)
April 7, 1954 – 389 Yonge Street (Bassel’s Restaurant)
Dufferin Street, Eglinton to Wilson. - 1955
1955 – Dufferin Street, Eglinton to Wilson.
1957 - Ace Restaurant - The Queensway widening
1957 – Ace Restaurant – The Queensway widening
1958 - G. Tamblyn Ltd., drug store, 2772 Bloor Street West, New Kingsway Restaurant, 2994 Bloor Street West, and Canada Paint Co. Ltd., 2998 Bloor Street West, north side at Willingdon Boulevard
1958 – G. Tamblyn Ltd., drug store, 2772 Bloor Street West, New Kingsway Restaurant, 2994 Bloor Street West, and Canada Paint Co. Ltd., 2998 Bloor Street West, north side at Willingdon Boulevard
1958 - 2995 Bloor Street West, Hong Kong Gardens Restaurant
1958 – 2995 Bloor Street West, Hong Kong Gardens Restaurant
1960s - Janewood Restaurant - 2701 Jane St
1960s – Janewood Restaurant – 2701 Jane St
Seaway Restaurant - King Street West near John Street during snow storm - jan 26 1961
Jan 26 1961 – Seaway Restaurant – King Street West near John Street during snow storm.
June 15, 1971 - View of Harry's Steak House on Church Street at Maitland Street
June 15, 1971 – View of Harry’s Steak House on Church Street at Maitland Street
1974 - Fuller's Restaurant, Eglinton Avenue East
1974 – Fuller’s Restaurant, Eglinton Avenue East
April 16, 1975 - View of Century Restaurant on the west side of Yonge Street, south of Scollard
April 16, 1975 – View of Century Restaurant on the west side of Yonge Street, south of Scollard
View of Gatsby's restaurant, on Church Street north of Carlton Street - may 3, 1975
May 3, 1975 – View of Gatsby’s restaurant, on Church Street north of Carlton Street.
1976 - Varsity Restaurant, 328 Bloor Street West, north side, east of Spadina Road
1976 – Varsity Restaurant, 328 Bloor Street West, north side, east of Spadina Road
Nanking Restaurant and Tavern, famous Chinese cuisine, Hagerman and Elizabeth - 1978
1978 – Nanking Restaurant and Tavern, famous  – Chinese cuisine, Hagerman and Elizabeth.
El Toro Steakhouse on Colborne Street - May 31 1979
May 31 1979 – El Toro Steakhouse on Colborne Street
Flickers Restaurant at Ontario Place - 1980
1980 – Flickers Restaurant at Ontario Place.
Ontario Place restaurant patio - 80-84
1980-1984 – Ontario Place restaurant patio.
View of the Loop restaurant at 1201 Bathurst Street, across from Hillcrest - July 31, 1982
July 31, 1982 – View of the Loop restaurant at 1201 Bathurst Street, across from Hillcrest.
Restaurant on corner of Pearl and unidentified street - 1988
1988 – Restaurant on corner of Pearl and unidentified street.
1980-90 - Water's Edge restaurant at Harbourfront Centre.
1980-90 – Water’s Edge restaurant at Harbourfront Centre.
King St W - "Ed's Warehouse" restaurant - view is east from Duncan - oct. 9, 1981
Oct. 9, 1981 – King St W – “Ed’s Warehouse” restaurant – view is east from Duncan.
King St W - "Ed's Warehouse" restaurant - outside - oct. 9, 1981
Oct. 9, 1981 – King St W – “Ed’s Warehouse” restaurant – outside.
Restaurant on corner of Pearl and unidentified street - aug 6, 1983
Aug 6, 1983 – Restaurant on corner of Pearl and unidentified street.
Restaurant patios at Ontario Place or marina - 80s
1980s – Restaurant patios at Ontario Place or marina.
199? - 4D's / Flo's restaurant, 10 Bellair at Critchley Lane
1990 – 4D’s / Flo’s restaurant, 10 Bellair at Critchley Lane


Browse more old photographs of restaurants on the Toronto Archives. Stay tuned for our next gallery of old photographs.



About Joel Levy 2636 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography