Briggs the cat needs to find a new place to live in Toronto

Briggs was brought to NTCR after he was trapped by a concerned restaurant employee in the Woodbridge area, where she found him looking for food. It took a while to trap him as he was very scared, but his hunger eventually took over as he stepped into the trap and was immediately brought to the safety of the NTCR shelter.

Briggs is a big, handsome, short-haired grey, timid boy with a slight tilt to his head, which hasn’t affected his quality of life.
The vet was unable to tell if he got his neck caught in a door/lid looking for food or was injured by an animal attack or human abuse.

He loves to sit up high on a top shelf or a cat tree. This is his “window to the world”. Briggs is a loving companion to many cats they will cuddle with him, lay on top of him to sleep and he is always very accepting. He is a bit timid, and shy around humans but will seek you out when you bring in wet food.

He is pet-able, but on the first touch he will reach out to swat your hand. If you stay quiet and touch slowly, he will let you have a pet or two then will leave when he has had enough. He usually always has a friend hanging out with him as he such a laid-back dude.

Briggs the cat

Name: Briggs
DOB: 01/13
Fixed: Yes
Declawed: No


In order to ensure a smooth and successful adoption, please remember to check all the basic requirements for adopting before coming in to the shelter.


About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Toronto area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.




About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography