Tragedy Plus Time: Ontario-Born Comedian Jon Dore

Meet Jon Dore, the Canadian comedic maestro. Hailing from Ottawa, Dore is more than just a stand-up comedian; he’s a storytelling virtuoso with a knack for turning everyday moments into uproarious laughter. His humour, a delightful blend of observational wit and rapid-fire punchlines, has earned him a global following. Beyond the stage, Dore extends his comedic prowess into television, podcasts, and acting, showcasing a versatility that keeps audiences hooked. With a talent for finding humour in the ordinary, Jon Dore brings a refreshing and hilarious perspective to the comedic landscape.

Jon Dore

How would you describe your comedy style?

I would use words.

Who are some of your influences?

Buffy Ste Marie from mighty Massachusetts

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

David Letterman

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Matt Rife

What is your pre-show ritual?

3 cans of Miller Lite and try to arrive on time.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

Comedy On State Comedy Club in Madison Wisconsin. After the show, Al, the cofounder of our band “The Chunks” and I, rehearse until the sun comes up. It’s the best part about being a touring comedian… the times when you’re not doing comedy.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

My favourite bit I have written is one where I misdirect the audience into thinking I’m going to say one thing, then I veer down another road (so to speak) and surprise them by saying something they didn’t expect. It’s quite a journey I get to take them on. It’s my favourite bit. I’m proud of it because you can feel the audience go “Uh huh, I see where you’re going with this” then moments later you can feel them going “Oh no he didn’t just do that!!!”

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

I get recommendations from friends. My sister has her ear to the ground because she runs a record label. I listen to her suggestions and if I’m not busy changing a diaper, I track them down on YouTube.

Tell us a joke about your city.

This isn’t a question. It’s an instruction. Therefore, on behalf of the city of Juneau AK… go f&$k yourself.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Yes. I’m hosting the New Year’s Eve Comedy show at Massay Hall

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Sean Lecomber- he lives in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta There is nobody funnier. Track him down and listen to him.




About Emilea Semancik 182 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to freelance her own pieces and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. She is also a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of recipe books. You can find her recipes on Instagram. @ancestral.foods