3 Stimulating Activities To Do With Your Senior Loved Ones

Ageing comes with various challenges. It can be mobility difficulties, hearing issues, limited vision, neck and back pain, depression, loss of independence, mental health challenges, and chronic medical conditions.

An elderly adult may struggle with one or multiple issues simultaneously. As a result, many loved ones notice that their once-active senior relatives have slowed down, become unproductive, and are no longer interested in things they previously enjoyed.

Group of senior woman doing yoga exercises by the lake.

If you notice any of the above changes with an elderly loved one, find ways to improve their quality of life. For instance, here are some quick ideas for fun with grandkids. These can keep them active, enhance their moods, and strengthen their bond with their grandchildren.

Besides letting seniors spend time with their grandkids, you can also introduce stimulating activities you could participate in together. These can help them improve their mental and physical abilities, reduce stress and loneliness, and better their motor and memory skills.

The provided activities will also help them enjoy a sense of accomplishment and independence. Furthermore, you’ll strengthen your bond with them.

Here are some tasks you and your elderly loved one can engage in:

1. Exercises

Regular exercise can help seniors improve their mental and physical health. Exercise may help boost their immunity, increase strength, better cognitive function, reduce bone loss, relieve pain, and reduce the risk of some chronic illnesses like diabetes. They can also help elderly adults to improve flexibility, social interaction, and mental health.

Exercising with a senior adult makes it more fun for them and you. There are several types of physical activities you could consider. It can be stretching, walking, swimming, cycling, Pilates, yoga, or pushups. If your loved one has limited mobility, you can introduce sitting exercises like chair Zumba, yoga, tai chi, dancing, or simple cardiovascular exercises.

2. Creative Projects

You and your loved one can also engage in creative projects like painting, photography, drawing, creating collages, writing a recipe book, or sculpting. Alternatively, you can take woodworking, pottery, cooking, baking, candle making, interior design, or knitting classes.

Artistic projects can be fun for you and your loved one. Besides that, these activities can help seniors improve their memory and creativity. They can also enhance their mood and lower stress, anxiety, and loneliness.

Moreover, they can eliminate negative feelings and emotions, improve cognitive function, increase social interaction, and boost their self-esteem. Creative activities can improve seniors’ well-being by fighting depression and improving symptoms of chronic illnesses like dementia or memory loss.

That said, ensure your loved one is safe when engaging in creative activities. For instance, if you’re using scissors, keep an eye on them to avoid accidents. Also, if you’re taking a pottery class, ensure your loved one has a respirator. This will prevent them from inhaling harmful clay materials like silica, which can damage the lungs. Regardless of your activity, ensure your loved one’s safety.

3. Shows, Movies, And Podcasts

Watching television (TV) shows and movies can be fun for you and your elderly loved one. This doesn’t mean occupying yourselves all day with movies and TV shows. This habit can make you and your loved one unproductive and less socially active. Besides, it could distort your reality.

Instead, pick a TV show to watch at a certain time of day. You can also choose one day to go to the movies. Alternatively, find documentaries you and your loved one enjoy. It can be an animal, cooking, or travelling-related film. These can spark an interest in travelling, adopting a new pet, or creating an interesting chocolate, pie, or kofta recipe.

Besides watching TV shows and movies, you and your loved one can also consider listening to podcasts. Find interviews, stories, or discussions you two are interested in. Most podcasts are recorded on different platforms, so you can find them any time after being created. If you’ve got a busy schedule, you can look for your favorite podcasts on your free day and listen to them with your loved one.

To make your time listening to podcasts or watching movies and TV shows more fun, get snacks you can enjoy. However, ensure your loved one isn’t allergic to any, as that can ruin your experience.

Final Thoughts

Ageing has several challenges, including hearing difficulties, reduced mobility, memory loss, etc. These can cause your elderly loved one to slow down, become unproductive, and lose interest in things they previously enjoyed. Overall, their quality of life may decline.

You can prevent the above by engaging your loved one in stimulating activities. It can be exercises, creative projects, watching TV shows and movies, or listening to podcasts. Try out different activities to find out something you both enjoy.




About Joel Levy 2623 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography