“Five Minutes With” Toronto musician, Kaya Usher

At 20, Montreal native Kaya Usher met Gord Downie at University and fell madly in love. Their union would fuel some of the best  Tragically Hip songs, like fan anthem  Ahead By A Century. While Downie toured and scored a massive following, Usher stayed home and raised their four kids. By all accounts, no minor role.

A talented lyricist and musician in her own right, Kaya Usher would open for Gord by reading her poetry.  They sang duets at private functions and Usher loomed large in Downie’s long-term plans for a family band.  Their life together was a ride of experiences, themes that have made it into her debut album All This Is. That said, the album is sovereign. This is no kiss and tell. Much of it speaks to Usher’s awakening process, which began when she fought breast cancer ten years ago.

The 10 tracks contain haunting melodies and soul-searching lyrics that reflect Usher’s awakening through a Frequency modality she calls  The Simplicity Platform. In her songs, we encounter the sounds of unravelling, epiphany, and metamorphosis.

All This Is  is like riding through a storm. It thunders and pours but ultimately leaves you under a broken sky, calm, breathless, seeking more.

Kaya Usher


Kaya Usher



# of Albums:


Latest Album:

All This Is

Latest Single:


Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

The first concert I went to was Rod Stewart at Maple Leaf Gardens- that was exciting… I think I was 13

Favourite musician now:

My son Lou

Guilty pleasure song:

Bee Gees – More Than a Woman

Live show ritual:

I like to go solo so I can really immerse myself in the experience.

Favourite local musician:

My son Lou and my good friend Kevin Drew

EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Early bird

Road or studio?


Any shows or albums coming up?

My debut album All This Is was released on November 17th and features the singles “Heart Clicks” and “Core.” It was produced by Nyles Spencer and Broken Social Scene’s Kevin Drew and features two of my children.

You can listen to it now on Spotify and Apple Music.

Where can we follow you?

Website | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Twitter


Rapid Fire Toronto Qs

Favourite street in your city:

I am more of a county girl. I take long walks on the county roads and love to commune with nature

Favourite park in your city:

Withrow park- we lived across from that park as the kids were growing up and it was so magical to open our front door and just run and play together

Favourite music venue in your city:

My country setting is my favourite music venue… when I walk the dogs at night I can hear the coyotes calling to each other, I love that so much! Nature and all the wild animals are a symphony to me



About Demian Vernieri 752 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.