Homegrown Business: Jessica Fried of Dainty Diamond

Dainty Diamond’s story dates back to 30 years ago when Jessica Fried’s father entered the jewelry business. With a love and passion for high-quality jewelry, he worked at The Diamond Showcase (his jewelry company) every Saturday and Sunday for as long as she could remember. She was young, but never forgets begging her dad to try on every piece of jewelry he had.

Jess - Dainty Diamond
Hi, I’m Jess, the founder of Dainty Diamond.

What is your business called and what does it do?

My business is called Dainty Diamond. We are a direct-to-consumer brand that sells high-quality gold and silver jewelry for every day.

What made you want to do this work?

After working multiple jobs in the media industry after graduating from school I kept feeling like something was missing. Because my father was always in the jewelry business, I’d occasionally help friends and family get new jewelry pieces through his connections. After helping my friend find a necklace one time, I was inspired and decided to create an Instagram page showcasing all the jewelry pieces I owned and helped get for my friends. From there, it just kind of took off and I realized how passionate about it I was.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

I’m trying to solve two problems. The first, making high-quality jewelry accessible and affordable. The second, providing high-quality gold jewelry that fits into every aspect of an individual’s life. No matter what they’re doing, what they’re wearing or where they’re going – our jewelry always fits. That’s the beauty of focusing on selling solid gold pieces, our customers don’t have to worry about taking it off throughout the day.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Our main clientele is women aged 25-34 who live in Canada or the United States.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We are an e-commerce direct-to-consumer brand. Clients can visit our website www.daintydiamond.co to shop all of our pieces. They can also find us on Instagram and reach out to us that way.

Where in Toronto can we find your profession?

Right now our main source of products is on our website. However, you can also find select items on The Hudson Bay Website, Trend Savvy, as well as The Home Body Studio storefront located in Downtown Oakville.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

The best question a prospective customer could ask is if our pieces will tarnish. We carry a variety of solid gold, gold vermeil and sterling silver pieces. Solid gold pieces will never tarnish, oxidize or change colour. When cared for properly gold vermeil and sterling silver pieces also will never tarnish. However, if gold vermeil or sterling silver pieces are worn in water, while sweating or mixed with bodily oils and perfumes, they can fade and/or change colour.

In general, it’s extremely important to care for your jewelry properly and store it in a safe dry place for optimal use.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

The best part of what I do is when I get to meet our customers in person and see them wearing our products and them telling me how good it makes them feel.

The worst part is also the best part, and that’s on wearing many different hats. While I get the opportunity to be the shipper and receiver, marketing manager, operations manager and founder, it can be stressful at times trying to balance and do everything.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

People hate me and love me at the same time because you can never have too much jewelry and we keep releasing pieces that are super cute and people always want to buy more.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram, Pinterest & Our Website

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?

Nu Beauty



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Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.