“A Day in the Life” with Toronto Comic, writer and Actor Cassie Cao

I met Cassie Cao last spring, when we both auditioned for the Second City Diversity Fellowship. We were paired up to improvise a scene together, and as I met her on stage she quietly said hi and smiled. Then the scene started and she exploded with energy, charisma, and so many hilarious observations; I remember simply blinking as the force that is Cassie blew me, and the panel, away.
Cassie was born in China, but has lived in so many different cities that she has an impressive number of ways to avoid the question “where did you grow up?” Cassie has also lived so many different lives, it’s truly baffling that she’s not already in her late sixties. Before her current career trajectory of comedian/actor/writer, Cassie had previously been an economist, an award winning pianist, a scientist, an investment banker, a career coach for disadvantaged youth, and a policy maker, not to mention a great mom to her super cute cat.

Cassie’s unique point of view and captivating energy has propelled her to be featured at countless comedy clubs and festivals across the country, and, if that all isn’t enough, she’s starting to develop an exciting career as an actor, appearing on the Family Channel and soon on the CBC.

Her comedy can’t help but be shaped by her experience of so many worlds. She’s endlessly curious about her surroundings and the idiosyncrasies of the characters that populate her life. Conversations with Cassie are magical, and her quick and skillful deconstruction of human interactions and behaviours always leaves me in awe and laughter. I’m so excited for her audiences to experience the same magic.

-Ophira Calof

"A Day in the Life" with Toronto Comic, writer and Actor Cassie Cao
This was the proudest moment of my parent’s lives when I was cast to play a doctor in their immigrant dreams.
What a thrill it was to have been invited to compete on Sirius XM’s Top Comic last year. My pre-show ritual is to greet my microphone like we’re long lost twins who have just been reunited.
On set for a webseries I created called Breakup Theft. Don’t break up with me – as you can see I am much stronger than I look.
Here I am on the 10 Minute Talk Show with host Derek Forgie and student activist Rayne Fisher-Quann. This performance got me nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award this year!
"A Day in the Life" with Toronto Comic, writer and Actor Cassie Cao
I loved everyone I worked with in the Second City Diversity Fellowship. I wonder how my cast mates felt about me?
This was taken on set of the Family Channel show Bajillionnaires. I played the part of the youngest grandma at your local country club.
"A Day in the Life" with Toronto Comic, writer and Actor Cassie Cao
Coming home to my sweet peach cat Penny is always the highlight of my night.
"A Day in the Life" with Toronto Comic, writer and Actor Cassie Cao
it’s really important to prioritize self care, take off all your makeup, and just lounge around in your most comfortable clothes every once in a while.


What ‘hood are you in?

St Clair West! I was worried about moving north of Bloor, but I quite like it now. There are barely any drunk accountants stumbling out of a dance club looking for a hot dog here.

What do you do?

I’m a standup comedian, actor, and writer. For the right snack, I’d be willing to do some sadder stuff too.

What are you currently working on?

I co-headlined RICE, an Asian Heritage Month showcase on May 15th at the Rivoli. Then the next day, I flew to Calgary where I started a month long western Canada tour of my standup!

Where can we find your work?

My website is www.cassiecao.com, and there you can find a listing of all my upcoming shows and tour dates! I’m also always posting content and connecting with audiences on social media – my handle is @thecassiecao on twitter, instagram, and facebook!



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography