Casper the friendly cat needs a new family in the Toronto area

Before settling down at THS, Felix (another cat) and I pretty much ran this city. Paws in every pocket — know what I mean? Didn’t matter if you wanted Da Bird, deluxe towers, or that high-quality catnip. If you wanted to do business here, you went through us. Heck, even Scratchface — Toronto’s kitty king pin — answered to us. With the pawlice on our tails, we were bonafide hustlers. Get rich or die tryin’, ya know?

I’m a tough cookie who won’t ever back dow— oh what’s that you got? A treat? Hm! Whatever yo. I’m hard as heck, tough as nai– oh goodness now you’re scratching my head. Oh gosh now I’m purring. Now I love you. Ugh! This always happens!

Yeah so WHAT if I am huge suck underneath my tough guy exterior? So WHAT if all I ever really want to do is snuggle and play and show you my belly? I’m STILL a badass you wouldn’t want to mess wi– oh no, is that a free lap? I might have to snuggle into it.

Ugh, I didn’t want to mention this, cause it screws with my tough guy look. But I kinda have to. I was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). All that hustling wore me down, you know? I know, I know. You’re probably thinkin, “Awe, poor kitty!” Pft, I’m fine! It just means that I need to visit the vet once a year and can’t go to a home with other cats. It also means I will likely have a shorter lifespan. Big whoop, I was always a live-fast kinda cat anyways.

I will go home with you if you promise me one thing: don’t tell anybody how obsessed I am with kisses and hugs and scratches and snuggles. I still have street cred! I hope your home will have lots of places for me to nap and play and show people my belly. I like showing my belly. It is a cute belly. Come visit me and Felix. Oh, and about Felix, he’s a cool guy and all, and we definitely have some history, but we are not bonded. I can come home with you all on my own!

It takes me a bit to get comfortable with new people and places. So I hope you’ll give me a special room to hang out in when I need to collect myself. Because of my FeLV, I can’t live with other cats. Children are cool, but you know how us cats are. We like our personal space!

casper cat toronto


Age: 5 months
Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Colour: Beige/White
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No


In order to ensure a smooth and successful adoption, please remember to check all the basic requirements for adopting before coming in to the shelter.


About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Toronto area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.




About Joel Levy 2619 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography