23 Essential New Year Resolutions for Students from Elementary to University
It’s that time again – the start of a brand-new year! And as we step into it, the moment comes to set goals and develop strategies to make 2023 your most successful year yet – full of goal-setting, dreams and plans to make them a reality. Many of us make New Year resolutions to assure ourselves that we will become better people in some way – whether that means achieving higher grades or simply being kinder to other human beings.

That being said, making New Year’s resolutions for college students can often seem daunting, especially when life already feels like there are so many necessary things to do. Coming up with the New Year’s resolutions worksheet for students from elementary, middle, or high schools isn’t simple as well. However, if you’re a student of any level looking to set yourself up for success this year, there are simple yet effective resolutions you can employ. Eventually, they should let you take charge of your future, make meaningful changes in your academic career, mental health, and well-being, and finally reach your goals. Let’s get started!
Academic Resolutions for Students in Colleges and Universities
1. Learn diligently but not just for grades
Learning is so much more than getting good grades. Make sure you set aside time each day to learn something new that isn’t necessarily related to your studies. Learning a language, reading a book about something outside of your studies, or understanding more about a particular culture can all be beneficial for broadening your knowledge and skill set. If necessary, address a trustworthy paper writing service or programming assignments help to help you with your homework routine and get more time for really significant things.
2. Develop new skills – soft and hard
When developing new skills, don’t just focus on the ones related to your degree. Think about what other skills could benefit you in life or as part of the job application process. Could you learn some coding? Are there any public speaking workshops you could attend? Could you do an online course in soft skills such as problem-solving or communication? The list is endless, you only need to choose the most beneficial activity and start investing in yourself.
3. Make new friends but stay connected with the family
College and university life can be tough at times, but having friends around can help make this transition easier. Don’t forget, though, that while making friends might be essential for fun and emotional support, you shouldn’t leave behind the people who were there from day one – your family. Keep them in the loop with regular updates, so they know what is happening in your life and care about theirs.
4. Attend several job interviews
While a student, do your best to get invitations to several job interviews for positions relevant to your study area. The goal here is not to land a perfect job straight away but to get invaluable experience and insight into how the recruitment industry works. Plus, it gives you crucial practice so that when that great role comes up in the future, you will be well-prepared and experienced enough to make a good run.
5. Get more sleep and take care of your mental health
Mental health awareness has become an increasingly important topic over recent years – especially among college-age students under massive pressure from both social influences and academic workloads. Make sure that taking care of your mental health is one of the top priorities this year. Use handy online tools to simplify your learning routine, take regular breaks from studying (and social media!), get plenty of sleep every night, and talk openly about mental health issues with friends and family if necessary.
6. Adopt healthier eating habits & exercise regularly
Eating right and exercising regularly should also be high up on everyone’s resolutions list this year – not just those studying at college or university. Small changes like swapping unhealthy snacks for healthier alternatives can have huge long-term benefits. Plus, do regular exercises – they release endorphins, which help boost mood levels. Try setting yourself weekly goals, for instance, running twice a week or eating vegetables with every meal – even small changes can make big differences sooner than you think.
New Year’s Resolutions for High School Students
7. Do your best to improve your grades
Many high school students struggle with keeping their grades up. This year, challenge yourself to work harder and strive for better marks. Setting small goals like studying every night, taking notes in class, or looking up a great paper example by a free essay writer before crafting your own piece can help you reach your academic goals while still allowing time for other activities. And don’t forget to take regular breaks – they’ll help keep your brain fresh and focused on learning.
8. Become a better student and focus on actual learning
Being a good student isn’t just about getting good grades; it is about understanding why those grades are important and what they mean for your academic future. This year, focus on going beyond memorizing facts and figures and actually engaging with the material you’re learning in class. Ask questions in class when something doesn’t make sense, and don’t be afraid to seek out extra resources if needed.
9. Explore your interests and research colleges/universities
High school is a great opportunity to explore different interests and discover where they may lead you after graduation. Take advantage of clubs, events, or courses that pique your interest – you never know what could inspire your future career path. At the same time, start researching college options well before graduation, so you have enough time to visit campuses and apply for scholarships once senior year rolls around.
10. Create a test prep schedule and stick to it
With standardized tests looming on the horizon, now is the perfect time to create a prep plan and stick to it! Designate certain days each week for studying topics related to the test, such as math equations or essay writing techniques – this will help you get everything covered before D-Day arrives.
11. “Unplug:” spend less time on social media
Social media is everywhere these days, but it isn’t always beneficial in terms of studying or mental health. Consider setting aside a certain time each day when you unplug from technology completely. This could mean dedicating an hour after school each day solely towards homework or reading a book instead of scrolling through Instagram stories all night long (yeah, we know how tempting that can be!)
12. Refrain from saying negative things about yourself
Lastly (yet, perhaps, most importantly!), practice self-love by refraining from saying – or even thinking – negative things about yourself. We all have our shortcomings, but focusing on them won’t get us anywhere. Instead, try embracing them as part of who you are while also striving for growth in your relationships and academic pursuits.
New Year’s Resolutions for Middle School Students
13. Ask your teacher for help improving your study habits by the end of this month
Studying can seem daunting, but approaching it with an organized plan can make it much more manageable. Your teacher can help you create a study plan that works for your schedule and learning style to ensure that all your bases are covered in exam prep.
14. Get organized: Do your school work as soon as you get home & keep your room clean every day
Having an organized area to work in makes studying and completing homework easier. Doing your assignments as soon as you can instead of procrastinating and putting them off for later is the best way to improve your academic performance. Also, having a clean room is way more enjoyable than living in chaos. Making sure your desk is always cleared off (with nothing but what you need) and your room is clean before bedtime will go a long way toward helping you stay on top of things at school.
15. Join a club or after-school activity ASAP
It’s crucial for your overall development to explore different interests outside the classroom. Joining an extracurricular activity helps build essential life skills like collaboration, communication, and problem solving while also introducing you to people with similar interests.
16. Volunteer with a local organization this year
Not only does volunteering look great on college applications, but it also allows students to give back to their community while gaining valuable experience working with others. Just be sure to choose organizations where you feel passionate about the cause – thankfully, there are lots of opportunities out there.
17. Eat one less junk food snack per day
Eating healthy snacks throughout the day helps fuel your body for studying – something especially important during exams or big projects. Try swapping out one unhealthy snack per day for something healthier, like carrots or celery sticks with hummus. This small change can have significant results over time.
18. Spend 30 minutes less time playing computer games or watching TV per day
Let’s face it – most of us spend far too much time glued to our screens each day without even realizing it. Dedicate yourself to reducing screen time by 30 minutes a day and replacing it with productive activities like reading books or going outside – your mind (and body!) will thank you later.
New Year’s Resolutions for Elementary Students
This section is meant primarily for parents.
19. Always say thank you when someone does something for you or gives you something
One resolution that should always be at the top of the list for parents is teaching kids to show gratitude daily. Whether it’s saying “thank you” when someone hands a child something or helps them with a math assignment, there are many simple ways to express gratitude in everyday life. Not only does this help create better relationships with those around kids, but it also lets children develop such an essential soft skill as empathy.
20. Set savings goals
Learning how to save money from the early years is an important lesson, and elementary school students should learn it as soon as possible. Challenge kids to come up with goals they want to achieve throughout the year, for example, saving their allowance over time to purchase a so-much-desired Lego set or Wednesday Addams outfit. Achievable targets will motivate them to keep going and see their savings goals come true.
21. Read at least 30 minutes every day
Make reading part of kids’ daily routine by setting aside 30 minutes each day for books or magazines. Not only does this help improve literacy skills, but it also encourages creativity and imagination in young readers. Plus, making reading part of their day-to-day life sets up healthy habits that last long after childhood ends.
22. Openly talk about your feelings
It’s only natural to feel shy at times. But don’t let fear get in the way of expressing your feelings. Encourage kids to talk openly about their emotions with family so they can build meaningful relationships free of judgment or hesitation. This resolution gives children permission to be honest about how they feel and learn how to cope with different situations that may arise throughout their lives.
23. Make your bed every morning
Making a bed every morning might seem like a small task, but it has enormous benefits. It teaches kids responsibility by reinforcing good habits like tidying up after themselves. Plus, having everything look neat and organized prepares them mentally for whatever comes next during their day.
Whether 2023 brings good or bad times ahead of us, it’s always important to reflect on our successes from last year while setting new goals for ourselves this year. These examples of New Year’s resolutions for students should help get any student started off on the right foot. Use them as inspiration to create positive changes within yourself that will be beneficial throughout life. Here’s wishing everyone an amazing year filled with plenty of growth opportunities ahead!