Heydon House by Lori Whelan

Heydon House lori whelan Toronto
Photo by Lori Whelan

“The historic Heydon House on St. Clair West. Built circa 1890 and designed by renown Junction architect James Ellis, it started off as a rowdy hotel that hosted cockfights in the ballroom until the police forced them to take it upstairs to the attic. It was also the scene of an infamous brawl in 1903 between workers from the stockyards to the west and railwaymen from the train depots to the south that pushed a vote to make the Junction a “dry” area – a ban that lasted until 2000 (I still can’t get over that). Prohibition ended up putting the hotel out of business, and by 1911 Heydon House was a rooming house. It is now an apartment building, and is rumoured to be a target for redevelopment.”

Lori Whelan sent us this photo of the Heydon House in Toronto for our Daily Photo. See more of her work on her Flick page.

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About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography