Tragedy Plus Time: Toronto Comedian Kyle Brownrigg

Kyle Brownrigg is a Toronto comedian who seems to have accidentally become a comedian. His sarcastic humour and clever twists have earned him a JUNO nomination for Best Comedy Album of the Year.

Kyle Brownrigg

How would you describe your comedy style?

That’s a tough question, honestly. I used to think my style was one-liners and misdirections but as my career progressed I realized that style of comedy requires an insane amount of work just to fill a 10-minute slot so I gradually moved away from that because I’m lazy.

I’m not a storyteller but I’m not, not a storyteller. I mostly just talk about myself and all the stupid mistakes I constantly make and people laugh at me. It sounds like bullying and it probably is but money! So to answer your question, I don’t know. Killing this interview so far!

Who are some of your influences?

Maria Bamford, Joan Rivers, Kathy Griffin, Margaret Cho, Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer, Heidi Foss, John Mulaney, Jim Gaffigan, Jim Carey, and many more but those are just the ones off the top of my head!

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

I didn’t really have an interest in stand-up comedy until I was in college. I knew Chris Rock and Robin Williams had stand-up specials but I always just assumed it was an extension of their movie career. As stupid as this sounds it never occurred to me that there could be non-movie-star-comedians.

When I discovered Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, and Amy Schumer I was obsessed. I would watch anything and everything they put out on repeat. Oh! Also! I’m gay.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Sarah Silverman/Maria Bamford

What is your pre-show ritual?

Think about the gig all day and then on my way out the door complain to my boyfriend that he gets to spend his evenings at home while I have to spend mine in dirty basements all over the city getting paid $20. Then I show up to the gig and get extremely anxious and pace the green room because I have an anxiety disorder, sorry not to brag, until my name is called to the stage! Oh and sometimes pooping.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

Yuk Yuk’s Ottawa on Elgin St when it still existed. Those were my stomping grounds. The crowds were always incredible, even when they weren’t. I got to work with everyone in that club from Mike MacDonald to Gilbert Gottfried. I recorded my first album there. After the weekend shows there used to be karaoke run by this guy named Gary and it was called Garaoke (lol). My friends used to come down almost every weekend and sing with the comics. It was always a good time. I miss those days.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I wrote this ridiculous bit about my sister being pregnant when she was a teenager (she wasn’t). I reveal to the audience that it was a joke followed by the “truth” which leads the joke back to her being a teenager with a misdirection. I eventually get into the fact that my sister is older than me and has many kids. It’s my favourite because it was the first successful “bit” I’d ever written. I was also proud of how clever the misdirections were.

When I started I just did short little quips or one-liners. Bits are tricky for me. This was the first one I had successfully done with a lot of strong punchlines that included a beginning, middle, and end. I haven’t been able to do it again since.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Instagram & Apple Music

Tell us a joke about your city.

I’m from Ottawa but I moved to downtown Toronto because it’s always been my dream to live in a roach-infested basement for 3,000 dollars a month.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Always! I was just nominated for a JUNO for Best Comedy Album of the Year for my album “A Lylebility” – now streaming everywhere. Also please check out my Just for Laughs comedy special “Introducing Lyle” now streaming on Crave.

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Cathryn Naiker


About Stephanie Prentice 5 Articles
Stephanie Prentice, originally from Southern Ontario, now calls Alberta home, where she thrives on embracing life to the fullest. As a dedicated grant writer, she uses her expertise to support non-profit organizations in making a difference. In her spare time, Stephanie crafts sustainably developed mittens to combat Canadian winters. A true people person, Stephanie enjoys building connections and engaging with diverse communities. She's an adventurous soul, equally at home exploring new destinations or cherishing cozy moments. With a passion for travel and a crisp new passport, she's always ready for her next adventure, whether it's discovering warm beaches or hidden gems in the Rockies. Join Stephanie as she continues to advocate for causes close to her heart and make a positive impact wherever she goes.