Homegrown Business: Roland Nan of Kidamento Inc.

Roland Nan is the Co-founder & CEO of Kidamento Inc., a Toronto-based business specializing in digital cameras designed for children. Roland shared with us the inspiration behind Kidamento, which arose from the desire to allow children to capture their own memories. Frustrated with the lack of suitable kid-friendly cameras on the market, Roland and his partner decided to create their own, resulting in a range of cute and creative digital cameras for children aged 3-11. With a focus on solving the problems of bulky, heavy, and poor-quality toy cameras accompanied by distracting video games, Kidamento serves a clientele of both children and adults. Roland discusses their revenue streams through online sales, partnerships with retail stores, and the availability of their products on their website and various stores across Canada and the US. They also highlight the importance of children having a dedicated camera to document and preserve their memories, free from distractions, while expressing the joy of revolutionizing the kids’ camera niche.

Kidamento Inc.

What is your business called and what does it do?

Kidamento Inc., specializes in providing digital cameras designed for children.

What made you want to do this work?

In 2019, as proud new parents, my partner and I enjoyed capturing moments of our baby’s early days. In our joy, the idea emerged – what if our little one could capture their own memories? Unable to find a suitable kid-friendly camera, we decided to create our own. Combining “kid” and “memento,” we founded Kidamento to offer digital cameras for children aged 3-11 that are both cute and creative.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

We sought to solve the issue of bulky, heavy, and poor-quality toy cameras for children, that are too often accompanied by distracting video games.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Our cameras cater to children between 3 to 11 years old, and are enjoyed by both kids and adults.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We sell cameras, camera accessories, and photography challenge books through our online store, various online marketplaces like Amazon, and partnerships with retail stores ranging from large chains to small toy/gift/book stores.

Where in the city can we find your profession?

Although we are headquartered in the Greater Toronto Area, our products are available online and in numerous retail partner stores across Canada and the US.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

“Why would a kid need a camera?”

In the contemporary age of advanced smartphones, the realms of photography and videography are no longer exclusive to professionals equipped with high-end gear. Instead, they have seamlessly integrated into the fabric of everyday life, allowing everyone to effortlessly document and preserve their cherished memories. Even children who don’t possess smartphones should have the chance to capture and safeguard their memories from their unique perspective. Kidamento’s camera, devoid of any gaming distractions, serves as an ideal tool for this purpose.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Our products revolutionize expectations in the kids’ camera niche by combining affordability, cuteness, and creativity. However, the challenging aspect for my partner and I is maintaining a work-life balance as small business owners.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

How to irritate the photographer? Ask them “After you take that shot with your camera, can you take one with my phone?”

Where can we follow you?

Connect with us through our online store and on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another local business that you love?

We love WaterH, a Toronto-based company offering smart water bottle products.


About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography