“Five Minutes With” Pop-Fusion musician Leslie Taylor

Like it did for so many others, the pandemic allowed for a time of deep reflection, and Toronto-based veteran pop-fusion artist Leslie Taylor combines memories of a brutal past with the sweetness of being 16 and awakening to one’s sexuality in her new single “Look But Don’t Touch”. We spoke with her to find out more about her influences and projects.

Leslie Taylor


Leslie Taylor




This time around 2019 in the beginning of the pandemic – spent my time in the Humber Music Business Program studying the music business

Last Single:

‘Look but don’t touch”

Last Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Joan Armatrading and Bob Marley

Favourite musician now:

Prince and Aretha Franklin (what a repertoire)

Guilty pleasure song:

Rock Steady – Aretha Franklin

Live show ritual:

Paying homage to the four corners of the earth, and silent prayer and mediation and then a circle with the band. I was raised in pantomime in Barbados, and it was a part of my training at St. Winnifred school for girls. I studied traditional theatre lead by Mrs. Admira for over 6 years as a child and it gave me a great work ethic, an understanding of call times and discipline, and a true love of the arts.

Favourite local musician:

Don’t really have one, there are so many great artists, but I love Jane Bunnett especially her song to Osain, love Okan and what they do, love the work of Molly Johnson who has always been a tireless advocate, and huge fan of Cuban music especially as it relates to our relationships with our ancestors, and my blood tie to Cuba is through my paternal abuela who was born in Banes Cuba and moved to Spanish Town Jamaica, it’s complicated in the Caribbean. Love the work of Merceditas Valdés but she’s Cuban

EP or LP?

EP, this is the first release of 5 other songs.

Early bird or night owl?

Early to bed and early to rise,

Road or studio?


Any shows or albums coming up?

New releases in 2023 (5 more original songs)

Where can we follow you?

Spotify | LinkedIn


Rapid Fire Toronto Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

Hair of the dog on Church (not sure if it’s still open)

Favourite street in Toronto:

Queen Street West

Favourite park in Toronto:

Bluffer’s Park

Favourite music venue in Toronto:

Massey Hall

Favourite music store in Toronto:

Dead Dog Records



About Demian Vernieri 739 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.