Chatting with comedian Andrew Ivimey

Andrew Ivimey is a comedian, actor, writer, and co-creator of The From Superheroes Network. We had the chance to catch up with him to find out more about his style and upcoming projects.

Andrew Ivimey

How would you describe your comedy style?

I talk about hot topics but I’m not edgy. I’m not soft either, I’m kind of a medium, like a goofy medium. A silly person who has a loose grasp on current events and is trying his best to understand why some people are weird.

Who are some of your influences?

Kumail Nanjiani is a big influence since he’s a very funny nerdy comedian/podcaster, who became a jacked superhero. That’s the dream and it’s good to know it can be done. Also, directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller in film/TV. They make fun and unpretentious comedies from Clone High to The Afterparty, and too many people slept on the fact that the 21/22 Jump Street movies are killers.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

David Letterman. I’ve only ever seen a handful of clips of his stand-up, but he was the funniest host in late night and a curator of comedy for me and a generation. Growing up in a pre-internet era, in a town without a comedy club, Letterman’s Late Show was what introduced me to so many comedians. His Late Show sketches like working a Taco Bell drive-through, and playing Beat The Clock, are segments that are always on repeat in my head.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Matt Braunger. Every album he releases has me howling. His comedy is the perfect blend of absolutely everything. Filled with insightful and witty observations from a playful idiot who likes to party. It’s honestly hard to imagine someone who wouldn’t enjoy his comedy.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Always walking to the show. If it’s leaving my home for a show in my home city of Toronto or leaving the hotel for a gig on the road, if it’s walkable I wanna walk to the show. Comedy is such a social profession it’s good to have 30 minutes-ish to myself, to clear my head and listen to music. Usually Run The Jewels – Blockbuster Night, Pt. 1 if I’m trying to get uncomfortably energized for the night.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

Kelowna, BC. I did a show in Kelowna years back that happened to take place the night of some big sports game, and because of that ticket sales were abysmal. 6 tickets were sold, and individual tickets, not even couples. Just the 6 individual people in Kelowna who didn’t care about sports who came to a comedy show alone. I introduced everybody to each other and they all sat at one table, then I did comedy sitting at the head of the table with an unplugged mic taking requests. A weirdly fun night I’ll never forget.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I love my segment about Medieval Times off my upcoming album Murder Bird. When I started telling it a couple years ago it was a small joke about The Falconer at Medieval Times and his murder bird. Then I kept adding to it and adding to it, now it’s 4 tracks on my album. I love it because of how much audiences want to talk to me about it after the show. People want to know how often I go, if they can go with me, and I’ve met a lot of cool people with connections to Medieval Times including MC’s, stunt people, and even a retired knight (which is what he called himself but I think that just means unemployed).

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Local shows. If you live somewhere with local shows go out and show some love. It’s a great way to discover great comics and support your local comedy scene. For online finds, I’m a big fan of what I call the “Spotify to Apple pipeline”. I discover new acts on Spotify and for the ones I really love I go over to Apple music (or similar platform that pays the artists better than Spotify) and buy their album so that the artist actually sees profit.

Tell us a joke about your city.

I love Toronto. But loving Toronto is like falling in love with someone and then finding out that person is just 3 property developers in a trench coat.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

My second stand-up album Murder Bird is available on March 10, 2023. You should give it a listen by visiting my website because it’s very silly and I think it’s great. I hope you do too.

Also, if you’re into nerdy pop culture I host a podcast called Talk From Superheroes where each week me and my co-host talk about a specific nerdy TV show or film.

Where can we follow you?

Website | AlbumInstagram | Twitter | Podcast

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Everybody should be keeping an eye on Rebecca Reeds. She’s a Canadian comic with a killer debut album titled Buddy and co-hosts the podcast The Villain Was Right. Every audience she performs for, in every demographic, she crushes it. She’s a comic who has a special ability tobe both relatable and completely unique simultaneously.



About Demian Vernieri 729 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.