Homegrown Business: Aaron Spivak and Lior Ohayon, Co-Founders of Hush

Hush is a “sleep improvement business” that offers all of its products on its website and ships them for free. We spoke with Aaron Spivak and Lior Ohayon, Co-Founders of Hush, to find out more about what they do.


What is your business called and what does it do?

Aaron: Our company, Hush, is a Canadian-based sleep improvement business that was started in 2018. Our Mission is simple: to help people around the world relax with ease and fall asleep faster whenever they wish.

What made you want to do this work?

Lior: While I was working at a summer camp for special needs children, I discovered weighted blankets and the effects they had on children, specifically to help them with sleep, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and more. After meeting Aaron in 2017, we found our calling and decided to use my background in marketing and Aaron’s background in nutrition and wellness space to promote weighted blankets and their benefits.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

Aaron: The science is clear. Insomnia and anxiety are only getting worse and if we can help mitigate that with our own simple products, then we’ve succeeded.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Lior: We ship to all of Canada and the US, with the majority of our business being in Canada. We find our demographic to be split between men and women, with women being slightly higher. The age range is 30-55yo

How does your business make money? How does it work?

Lior: We offer all of our products on our easy-to-use website hush.ca and ship all of our products for free. We also run a wholesale program where we have over 1000 retailers across North America that retail our goods in their physical and online stores.

Where in Toronto can we find your products?

Lior: Our business is primarily DTC, however, we’ve given Canadians the opportunity to experience our full range of sleep products – designed to help those with sleep, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and more – at a physical retail location in Yorkdale Shopping Centre from November to January 2023.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

Lior: How was Hush able to crack through such a saturated space – the sleep space?

We believe our focus on brand is what sets us apart from other retailers. You can buy sheets anywhere – but buying the Hush brand means you’re buying into the community and becoming part of a unique and growing story. Our products being top quality helps support that as well.

Every product line of ours has a unique angle in the market. eg. Iced for cooling, Multiple Weighted blanket colours, sizes, fabrics, etc. that no one has.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Lior: Being able to give people the power to reclaim their rest. We offer natural sleep solutions, and we love hearing from people that reduced their stress and anxiety and stopped their insomnia.

The worst part – not having enough time in the day to do more of it!

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

Lior: So.. you get paid to sleep on the job?

What are your social media channels?

Instagram | LinkedIn | Tiktok | Twitter | Facebook

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?

Aaron: Mejuri – We love their commitment to high-quality everything – from the premium products they produce to the user experience on the website. Check out their new location also in Yorkdale Mall!

Lior: Kalaredlight.com – doing great things in the wellness space with their red light therapy devices. We partnered with them to produce our Happy Lamp – Seasonal Affective Disorder lamp to improve mood and energy during
dark winter days.



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Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.