“A Day in the Life” with Toronto-based Multidisciplinary Artist, Candace Cosentino

Candace Cosentino is a freelance commercial photographer and artist in Toronto. Her artistic practice explores playful concepts and make-believe as she uses the world around her as an ever-changing canvas; paying careful attention as it evolves, and leveraging that perspective to create striking and dynamic commercial works, that hones in on the integrity and soul of the brands and partners that she works with. Her desire and drive to keep the art scene in Toronto fresh and alive amidst the terrors of shiny glass towers and the loss of affordable spaces is nothing short of moving. When she’s not busy creating beautiful images, she’s going above and beyond to build spaces where young, queer and BIPOC artists feel encouraged and supported to grow their practices and share them together as a community. Knowing Candace has led me to not only an incredible community of artists, novices and veterans but to also feel intrinsically inspired to explore, create, learn and share with the people around me. She preaches to keep fighting for the space we deserve and creating magic through art, community and the ability to merge all of the above in an authentic business package of innovative quality.

-Written by Kaitlin Johnston

Candace Cosentino
Multidisciplinary Artist, Candace Cosentino – Photo by Winston Tang
Currently laying the groundwork to open future studios, Candace stores many items from her old studio in a storage facility in Mississauga- Photo by Winston Tang
Candace visits the building where her studio was located. The building was built in 1910 and has many interior historical artifacts, which will all be soon demolished by condo development- Photo by Winston Tang
Candace taking photos at the storage facility- Photo by Winston Tang
Candace creates a set at the storage facility and takes pictures- Photo by Winston Tang
Candace Cosentino
A self-portrait of Candace – “Self As Venus”, Digital Photograph, September 2022.”
Candace Cosentino
Multidisciplinary Artist, Candace Cosentino- Photo by Winston Tang
Candace Cosentino
Candace picks up a piece of broken glass at the old studio site. Collecting objects of all sorts is a big part of Candace’s creative process – from antique framed oil paintings and Chinas to abandoned old TVs and furniture, the sky’s the limit when it comes to Candace’s collection- Photo by Winston Tang


Which ’hood are you in?

Nowhere in particular, but Toronto & the GTA. It depends on what I’m hired for, or where I need to be to create a specific body of work.

What do you do?

Commercial portrait, product and event photographer, and multidisciplinary artist. My artistic practice informs my commercial work and the means by which I create.

What are you currently working on?

I am always working on multiple personal creative bodies of work while developing my freelance practice. This includes self-portraits, creative collaborations with other local artists or working on slow-paced bodies of work with multiple installments, with no limit of time to create. As I grow, my work grows too. (Artistic Practice) I am also in the process of developing the Cos Studios 2.0 location!

Where can we find your work?

Website | Instagram | Cos Studio



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