What Are Your Options When Looking for Senior Care?

Finding your way around the maze of senior care options can be pretty overwhelming. Add in the problem of ALTCS eligibility and other types of funding and it’s no surprise that so many people approaching their senior years don’t know where to start. The problem is just as challenging if you’re looking into options for a loved one.

Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

Here are 8 senior care options that are available for yourself or a senior loved one who requires some additional care.

1. Home Care Company

This type of senior care is also known as In-Home Personal Care or Home Health Care. It allows a senior person to stay in their own home with health care services provided. 

Quite often, a senior’s home will be modified to accommodate their changing needs. In addition, they will be able to access a range of home care services, depending on their needs.

You should choose a home care company if you want to stay in your home but need some assistance with ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). It would also be suitable if you live in a safe neighbourhood and have a close network of friends and family who live nearby.  

2. Independent Living Community

Other names for this type of facility are Senior Housing, Senior Apartments, or Retirement Homes. Living arrangements vary from free-standing homes to condominiums or apartment complexes. 

Some housing is very luxurious while others provide just the basics. A facility of this kind is suitable if you’re still independent, apart from a few minor medical needs. It’s also a great option if someone is looking for more socializing opportunities or would like to take advantage of a variety of amenities included in the rent. If you’re not quite ready for assisted living, it also makes a good transitioning step. 

3. Assisted Living Community

This type of facility can also be called a Personal Care Home or Assisted Care Community. Residents live in private apartments, private rooms, or share with a roommate. In addition, they receive assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs). 

Typically, you’ll find communal dining areas, recreational programs, transportation services, and various housekeeping services. 

Some assisted living communities are very lavishly designed while others are more modest. These differences are reflected in the cost. 

This type of facility is perfect for someone who can no longer live at home but doesn’t require a high level of care. 

4. Residential Care Home

Another name for this type of care is Group Homes, Board and Care Homes, or Adult Family Homes. In this type of facility, the service is similar to home care but with live-in carers. 

This particular type of elder care varies considerably, but in general, you can expect there to be assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs). In addition, there will be various recreational opportunities. 

This type of care suits a senior who requires only limited, temporary medical care or someone who wants the feel of a home but with ADL assistance. 

5. Nursing Home

Also known as Skilled Nursing, Long Term Care or Convalescent, it provides the highest level of care with seniors living in a shared room or private room. Scheduled activities are provided and meals served in a communal dining room or the resident’s room. 

This type of facility is suitable for people who are elderly, frail, and disabled and require 24-hour assistance from skilled staff. It’s also an option if you need short-term rehabilitative care or if you’re unable to prepare your own meals. 

6. Memory Support or Dementia Care

Another name for this type of care is Memory Care. Residents in this kind of setting can live in private or semi-private apartments and there are structured activities provided by trained personnel. 

The living environment is completely secure, to prevent residents from wandering off. It is a suitable type of care if you or a loved one has memory and need specialized assisted living care. It is also suitable for people with severe dementia and those who need engaging activities, personalized routines, and support. 

7. Respite Care

Respite care is also known as Adult Day Care or a Short-Term Stay Program. Typically, it will be available within the assisted living community but only for a short time frame. It might be for a few days or up to a month. 

This type of care is designed for occasions when a caregiver needs a temporary break. Alternatively, it could be a “getting acquainted” period for a loved one. 

8. Hospice Care

This is a type of end-of-life care for people in the final stages of an incurable disease. The focus of this type of care is providing the best quality of life for a person during their last days, weeks, or months. 

The aim of this type of care is not to find a cure, but to offer relief for any disease-related symptoms while at the same time ensuring the person’s dignity, comfort, and quality of life. 

Now you know what options are available it’ll make your decision much easier to make. Also bear in mind that a choice that’s right for you today might not be the same one in a few months or years. As we get older, our needs change. It’s reassuring to know that there are options available whatever your needs or requirements. 




About Joel Levy 2608 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography