Larry the cat is looking for a new home in the Toronto area

Larry comes with free post-adoption support!

Larry is full of energy and spark, and he’s here to keep you on your toes. This boy loves to chase his favourite toys all around, and is hoping someone will be able to keep up with him. After all, he does play the laser pointer game at expert level.

He is playful, friendly, and good with new people. Larry enjoys being pet and picked up. He especially enjoys a good head scratch.

Larry is a curious cat, and sometimes he gets into things he shouldn’t. This is why it’s so important that his forever home is completely cat-proofed. We’re happy to provide you with all the tips on how to do this, so Larry stays out of mischief!

The right fit for Larry will be someone who can meet his energy, play with him often, and who can supervise him throughout the day while he gets to know his new surroundings. Larry is sweet and fun and his fun, energetic outlook on life rubs off on all who meet him.



Age: 3 years 2 months
Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Colour: Orange
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No


For Toronto Humane Society’s complete adoption process, please click here to learn more about how you can make this companion, a forever friend!


About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Toronto area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography