“A Day in the Life” with Toronto Actor Keara Graves

If there was only one word to describe Keara Graves, it would be love. Keara is love. Keara has always been a listener, a motivator. She cares about everyone and everything she encounters. I remember one time we were walking back from a pizza place, and Keara had more than half of a pizza left in her carry-out box. Instead of keeping it for herself, she gave it to a person living on the street in the freezing Toronto winter. She never lets things get to her head, not even the amazing roles she’s played in The D Cut and another upcoming Netflix show set to premiere this year. Keara’s humble, and she won’t agree with you when you tell her how significant she is to this world. She’s always had the mentality that she can achieve anything because The Universe is on her side, and this mentality is very inspiring to people that know her.

Aside from her acting career, Keara created a YouTube channel to reassure those in the LGBTQ+ community who may be discovering themselves, dealing with difficult situations, or just want more LGTBQ+ friends. Keara’s always kept her arms wide open for those who need comfort, advice, or even just a friend to chat with. Not only is she motherly and empathetic to every person she meets, but to animals and the Earth as well. Keara’s been vegan for over a year now, and aims to learn more about how to be eco-friendly.

Keara Graves is a fighter for equality, a believer in love conquers all, an entrepreneur for appreciating the present moment, and a beautiful spirit the world is blessed to have.

-Lauren Rice, significant other (Sound Editor, Music Producer)

"One of my favourite things to do is collaborate with other creatives. This is from a photoshoot I did with my talented friend Ryley Dawson."
“One of my favourite things to do is collaborate with other creatives. This is from a photoshoot I did with my talented friend Ryley Dawson.”
"With my favourite humans ever, my mom and my sister Alexa, sightseeing at the Grand Canyon last winter."
“With my favourite humans ever, my mom and my sister Alexa, sightseeing at the Grand Canyon last winter.”
"My partner Lauren and I with our kitty-child Willow, who we adopted from the Etobicoke Humane Society back in April."
“My partner Lauren and I with our kitty-child Willow, who we adopted from the Etobicoke Humane Society back in April.”
"A BTS photo on set of Night Drive. Photo by Emily Suzanne Harris. (Featuring actor Jessica Danecker & videographer Jacky P.A. Tran)"
“A BTS photo on set of Night Drive. Photo by Emily Suzanne Harris. (Featuring actor Jessica Danecker & videographer Jacky P.A. Tran)”
"By far my favourite spot in Toronto- Woodbine Beach. I feel so at home there."
“By far my favourite spot in Toronto- Woodbine Beach. I feel so at home there.”
"In the hair & makeup chair for a feature film I starred in back in December!"
“In the hair & makeup chair for a feature film I starred in back in December!”
"Had the privilege of screening my short film Night Drive at Buffer Festival last year. What a night!"
“Had the privilege of screening my short film Night Drive at Buffer Festival last year. What a night!” – (Photo by Dominik Magdziak Photography/Getty Images)
"It's surreal to see The D Cut posters everywhere in Toronto!"
“It’s surreal to see The D Cut posters everywhere in Toronto!”

What ‘hood are you in?

Proud East-Ender here! I moved to Toronto in 2017 to pursue my acting career and fell in love with the East End immediately! It has the perfect balance between city and nature, and it’s such a friendly and welcoming neighbourhood!

What do you do?

I’m an actor, content creator, singer and LGBTQ+ rights activist! I try to incorporate everything I do as a part of my bigger purpose here on Earth; to uplift, inspire, and be a voice for those who have been silenced. I’ve also been dabbling in filmmaking and writing lately!

What are you currently working on?

A project very near and dear to my heart, The D Cut, a mini-series presented by Dove Hair, has been streaming on Crave and will be available globally on KindaTV starting July 25th! It’s a beautiful true story of an inclusive queer hair salon that is struggling to stay afloat in a community that really relies on its safe space and accepting atmosphere. It’s really important for me to play queer characters so I can accurately and authentically represent queer women in t.v. and film, something I very much needed to see growing up. I also have a few other exciting projects set to be released this year, but I can’t say too much about them at this time! On the YouTube side of things, I’ve been creating advice videos and content for queer youth, including my #AskQueera video series, and “Queerantined!”, a reality tv-style comedy series I created at home these past few months in quarantine with my mom and girlfriend.

Where can we find your work?

The D Cut is available to stream on Crave Canada, and it will be released to the worldwide audience on July 25th on KindaTV’s YouTube channel. Watch it on Crave here.

You can find all my YouTube videos, including my short film “Night Drive” which now has nearly 10 million views, here.

My filmography, including future projects, is listed here on my IMDB.

For recent updates on my life, you can follow me on Instagram.




About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography