Homegrown Business: Jack Ouzounian and Shelley Stertz of H2O Float Spa

H2O Float Spa was founded by Jack Ouzounian and Shelley Stertz in 2013. After coming across an early version of the Float Spa concept, they saw the opportunity to begin Toronto’s first float spa.

Float Spa

What is your business called and what does it do?

Our business is called H2O Float Spa. We’re a Float Spa with 2 Float Pods and 2 Custom-designed Open Concept Float Tubs, providing solo and Couple’s Floats for our clientele. We also have Registered Massage Therapists and provide solo as well as Couple’s massages.

What made you want to do this work?

We discovered the physical and mental healing, as well as the therapeutic effects years ago and realized that we didn’t have a Float Spa in Toronto. We thought that it would be a great addition to the city, seeing as the stress levels of people living and working in Toronto seem to be rising every year. It would provide people with a place in the city that they could go to, as often as they wish. A kind of oasis, to shield them from the sea of electronic noise that fills their lives.

What problem does this solve?

The benefits are many and varied. Physical, mental and emotional rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. It is incredibly effective for healing stiff and sore muscles, as well as hydrating your skin. It’s also an incredible sensation being completely weightless and floating on the water’s surface, even if you drift off into sleep. Floating is also beneficial for people who want to meditate or heighten their imagination, it’s extremely useful and helpful in that regard as well.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Our clientele is essentially 50/50 men and women, and literally all ages. We also accommodate those with physical disabilities as that was a consideration of our design from day one.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We make money by providing floating and massage therapy services for clients. We are also introducing our own private skin and hair care line Oh So Good, that are used throughout the spa.  Clients love the natural products and scents!  Gift certificates do very well year-round both in-spa and online.

Where in Toronto can we find your profession?

H2O Float Spa is located at 138 Danforth Avenue, which is just east of Broadview. Online, we can be found here.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services?

Q: What makes Floating at H2O Float Spa different than floating somewhere else?
A: We have custom open concept tubs which have no lids. They are as wide as a queen bed and 8 feet long! These are great for anyone who is claustrophobic. These also accommodate solo as well as Couples Floats due to their large size

A: Clients can have a Float & Massage Combo which is absolutely heavenly. We provide these combo services as we have Registered Massage Therapists as well at H2O Float Spa.

A: Clients can use their insurance benefits (RMT/Hydrotherapy/Massage) on all services we provide, providing they inform us while booking their service(s) that they will be using their insurance benefits to cover the costs

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

The best part of what we do is that we provide a service for people that enhances their life. It gives them the time and space where they can get away from everyone and everything – including all their electronics – and thus have a safe space where they can relax and recharge their body, mind, and soul. As we state on our website, we believe that we are the most relaxing place in Toronto.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

The funniest and most common question we have to correct people on is when they say “I want to do it but I can’t float”. It’s funny because all of our float tubs and Pods are infused with more than 1000 pounds of Epsom Salts. That’s about twice as dense as the water in the Dead Sea. A person can fall asleep in our tubs, and many do lol, and their body will just continue to float. And the water is only about 10 inches deep, that’s it. Everybody Floats!


PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?

Fresh Restaurant because we believe in what they stand for in terms of eating healthy while being environmentally healthy and conscious. We also find that eating at Fresh is a very fun experience, a really cool environment to eat in, and of course, the food is delicious!



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography