Turkey Leg Firecracker Lollipops recipe comes from Turkey Farmers of Canada as they launch Body by Turkey – a YouTube fitness series designed to carve your body for summer. Hosted by former Canadian rugby player and Canadian fitness influencer Phil Mackenzie, Body By Turkey is a four-part video series featuring lean recipes and workout ideas in the spirit of Mackenzie’s “lean-mazing” brand, Lean Squad.
Click here to watch the first episode: https://bit.ly/2FP2zAW

Turkey Leg Firecracker Lollipops Recipe
– 4-5 Turkey Drumsticks (bone in)
– 2 teaspoons Cayenne
– 2 teaspoons Paprika
– 1 teaspoon Chili Flakes (can add more for extra spice)
– 1/2 Cup Low Sugar BBQ Sauce
– 1/2 Cup Sriracha
– Cooking Spray
1. Combine the cayenne pepper and paprika together and sprinkle over drumsticks. Then sprinkle on chilli flakes. Rub in spices evenly over the drumsticks.
2. Heat BBQ to 375 Fahrenheit roughly. Spray grill with cooking oil and then add drumsticks.
3. Make sure you rotate drumsticks every few minutes for 20-30 minutes (or until cooked through – aim for at least 165 degrees internal temperature on a meat thermometer).
4. While drumsticks are grilling, combine sriracha and low sugar bbq sauce in a bowl together and mix well.
5. 5 minutes prior to drumsticks being ready, dip in sauce and place back on grill.
Note: By adding the sauce later we avoid burning the meat and keep the flavour from the sauce
6. Serve and use remaining sauce as dipping sauce