Director X tells us what to expect at this Year’s AGO Massive party

The sprawling Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) will transform into an adult playground of multi-sensory stimulation, photo-worthy art installations, music and flowing cocktails on April 11 for AGO Massive XV. An affair that attracts Toronto’s creative change-makers and society page regulars, the AGO’s signature fundraising event is now in its 15th year.

AGO Massive
Machine Age Massive Party 2017

This year, the party is in Director X’s capable hands. The famed and award-winning director – known for his visually distinctive music videos for artists like Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Kanye West and the 2018 film, SuperFly – is this year’s creative director and has curated the entire experience.

AGO Massive
Machine Age Massive Party 2017

We caught up with him to hear a little more about what to expect at AGO Massive.

What attracted you to AGO Massive?
AGO Massive is an important fundraiser for the AGO that heroes some of the best of Toronto’s emerging artists. It brings together people and art in a fun celebratory environment.

Without giving too much away, what will make this year’s Massive so memorable? 
The artists, the entertainment, the food and drinks. This year will be more of a party than past years. It’s the 15-year anniversary so we are really bringing out the big guns.

What drew you to this year’s Massive artists and musicians? 
The theme around AGO Massive is the 15th anniversary gift; crystal. Crystals, meditation and energy is an important part of my practice. These artists and musicians have similar feelings around positive vibes and I think it drew us all together.

What inspires you most about Toronto’s art scene?
Diversity, young talent, institutions making space for artists of colour and women…

What is the biggest challenge facing young up-and-coming Canadian artists and musicians?
There are so many artists in the world how do you break through?
Everyone has the tools to reach the world. It’s a new challenge.

What do you miss most about Toronto when you’re out of town? 
Cafe Crepe at Queen and John.



About Erin Nicole Davis 60 Articles
Erin is a Toronto-based writer, actor and queen of the side hustle. When she’s not writing the day away in a face mask, she’s taking in the city’s vibrant arts scene, doing a red carpet interview or brunching with her leading ladies.