“A Day in the Life” with Toronto creative Pastel Supernova

Pastel Supernova is a Toronto-based Latin spitfire, accomplished dancer, choreographer, actor and creator/artistic director of Love Letters Cabaret. She is also the co-founder of the clothing and lifestyle brand Hunty Swag. Living the showgirl lifestyle, teaching dance and fitness classes while running two businesses can lead to a hectic schedule. So how does she do it all? The secret is donuts. Pastel really does start her day off by picking up a wholesome “day old” bag of donuts and pastries across the street from Lula Lounge where her troupe of dancers rehearse for their monthly shows. When Pastel isn’t running rehearsal, or doing one of her many other jobs, you can find her in the comfort of her home with her fur baby named Meow. Her love for her cat can often be seen in her choreographic works, as she relates much of her movement to the feline form. Donuts and cats aside, Pastel is an extremely strong woman who promotes self love, hard work ethic, and seeing the beauty in every creature. She has coined the term “Poom Poom Power” which reminds you to love yourself and feel beautiful. Pastel is an inspiration to many and is definitely one to follow.

by Rosie Mae and Azura Maneater

Bold contemporary choreography is my jam. Classic looks with new school attitude is how I roll ? John Ball
Bold contemporary choreography is my jam. Classic looks with new school attitude is how I roll ? John Ball
I like to post Raw pics, untouched and real...only someone _) ?JJ Fitness
I like to post Raw pics, untouched and real…only someone _) ?JJ Fitness
Love Letters Cabaret celebrates diversity and beauty in all forms The chicks dig it The dudes love it Come find us
Love Letters Cabaret celebrates diversity and beauty in all forms The chicks dig it The dudes love it Come find us
Love Letters gives me life. I love this dynamic group of dancers! ?Dani Carlton
Love Letters gives me life. I love this dynamic group of dancers! ?Dani Carlton
The glamour is never spared at Love Letters Cabaret. All of the outfits are custom made by Hunty Swag ?Chris Hutcheson
The glamour is never spared at Love Letters Cabaret. All of the outfits are custom made by Hunty Swag ?Chris Hutcheson
This 10 foot Star Boa is the hero of one of my d signature acts, Boa Con Stripper
This 10 foot Star Boa is the hero of one of my d signature acts, Boa Con Stripper
This is an ode to one of my favorite pinup artists, Joaquin Alberto Vargas ?JJ Fitness
This is an ode to one of my favorite pinup artists, Joaquin Alberto Vargas ?JJ Fitness
Sweet Rosie Mae and I are the most hyper and squirly duo. We perform together all the time & decided to create Hunty Swag after getting order for costumes like ours from fellow party girls.
Sweet Rosie Mae and I are the most hyper and squirly duo. We perform together all the time & decided to create Hunty Swag after getting order for costumes like ours from fellow party girls.

What ‘hood are you in?

I’m a downtown West-end girl through and through.

What do you do?

I produce high energy burlesque fantasies for Love Letters Cabaret, a tantalizing ensemble of world class performers who love to push boundaries. I also model and burlesque all over Toronto. A friend and I teamed up recently to create Hunty Swag, a brand of glam street wear for those who like to stand out.

What are you currently working on?

My latest production, Juicy. It’s a a delightfully racy edition of choreographies in honour of the sexy side of summer treats. That show was in June. I also have a show at Lula Lounge on July 19th.

Where can we find your work?

Find me with my Love Letters tribe at Lula Lounge every month and you can always find me online where I often post the latest mishaps and adventures that come with living the life of a wild child showgirl – www.pastelsupernova.com




About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography