NEIL SCHMIDT has a passion for beauty that shines through in every medium he touches. For those of us fortunate enough to know him, it’s no surprise that his career seamlessly transformed from sought after make-up artist to high end interior stylist. When I first met him in the early naughts Neil was living in a raw industrial loft of the once studio section of Richmond street. With floor to ceiling windows, old-school hardwood floors and an Indonesian/Modern inspired interior it was the definition of sexy. Even before he became a design star his attention to detail and ability to create a mood with his interiors was truly inspiring. Being a guest in his home always felt like a ticket into another, more pleasure centred land.
A visionary that never let’s his ego lead. Instead, Neil helps each client bring their own vision to life. He takes the time to get to the heart of their story and then meticulously curates an interior that reflects their most authentic narrative. Clients are always blown away by his ability to tell their story through design.
Neil’s exceptional talent for creating mind-bending faux finishes is the piece de resistance in his arsenal of skills. Want to turn an entire wall into Italian marble? Or maybe you’re in the mood for raw concrete beams in your office? With artistic precision Neil creates replications that are so realistic you have to touch them to confirm they’re faux.
—-Allison Swan

What is your favourite Toronto hood?
I am a total mix between the hoods of the East and the West. Thank god Toronto has many interesting places to venture.
What do you do?
INTERIOR STYLIST ▫️ DECORATOR ▫️ PAINTING + DESIGN ▫ Making things look beautiful is what I do.
What are you currently working on?
Designing “BRICKYARD BISTRO” a French style bistro scheduled for opening SPRING 2017.
Where can we find your work?