Sable and Sofia Siamese Cats up for Adoption

Sable siamese cats
Meet Sable – DOB: December 2013 – Breed: Seal Point Siamese

Bonded pair

Sable & Sofia are siamese cats that came to NTCR when we received a call asking for help in taking several cats from an unhealthy environment. When they first came to NTCR they were both extremely scared, totally stressed and depressed from their experience, but found comfort in each other by huddling & cuddling together. It has taken some time but with the proper vet care, a nutritional diet and the unconditional love and TLC from our volunteers they are both now in good shape, eating well and have slowly learned to adapt to life in shelter as their breed typically are creatures of habit and do not like change.

Sable: A beautiful Seal Point Siamese with gorgeous blues eyes, a confident and friendly nature who enjoys being petted, stroked and sometimes picked up for cuddling. Sable is a social gal who is the first to acknowledge your presence, accept “luvins” and approach when it is feeding time. She is always found snuggled (intertwined) with her roommate Sofia and provides guidance to her not so confident BFF Sofia.

Sofia siamese cats

Meet Sofia – DOB: May 2014 – Breed: Seal Point Siamese

Sofia: A stunning Seal Point Siamese with wonderful blue eyes, a sweet, kind and gentle soul who can be shy when her BFF Sable is not leading the way. Sofia is a little timid to start by happily accepts petting and stroking with a slow approach and when her BFF is near. She is happiest and most confident when she is next to her BFF Sable.

Both of them have typical Siamese purrsonalities, demonstrate typical Siamese traits and behaviours. They will need to be adopted together and will do best in a quite mature adult home.

For more information, visit the North Toronto Cat Rescue website.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography