Toronto’s Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2015 in Photos

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2015

Toronto’s Scotiabank Nuit Blanche took place last night across our city. The annual art event which first started in Paris transforms the city of Toronto with art installations adorning the city’s streets and landmarks. Here are a few of the great photos we noticed from the night.




The city belongs to us tonight, turn up! Catch me on the streets with #thelast6 – #nuitblanche


A photo posted by b o r a (@bora.vs.bora) on


“escape from reality” #snb #nuitblanche A photo posted by Theresa Shim (@theresa_shim) on


OTNOROT #nuitblance2015 #snbTO #lovetoronto photo by @prop_prop


A photo posted by Love Toronto ? (@lovetoronto) on


I can see clearly now the rain is gone. ☔️@jr #snbto #toronto #IOPToronto #insideoutproject #jr #jrartist A photo posted by Kate Barron (@katie_barron) on


I wonder if Miley Cyrus was the inspiration behind this #snbto #nuitblanche


A photo posted by shontelle ? (@shontellev) on


Blue”berry”-Prints. #NuitBlanche #SNB2015 #snbto #Toronto #LatePost #nuitblanche2015 A photo posted by G Apillanes (@pammiexpammie) on


Built for ART 2015 #snbto #nuitblanche #401richmond A photo posted by Isabel Macdonald (@isabel_macdonald) on


#snbTO #401richmond #art #sculpture A photo posted by Deborah Manalo (@girlalmighty.13) on


  #Torus by Mary Matting Ly at Nuit Blanche 2015 #snbto #nuitblanche #nuitblanche2015   A photo posted by Sam Javanrouh (@wvs) on



#snbto: I honestly like Nuit Blanche installations that don’t have many people swarming around it (or better yet, none at all!!, as had happened to me only once in ten years—last year). This one at Artscape Wychwood Barns, called “Up in the Sky High” by artist Faisal Anwar, features pictures of previous Nuit Blanches hanging off of balloon things. #wwim12/#snbto_wwim12: Since the friggin ‘Gram insists on “#todayimet,” so how about this hungover and tired folks: #todayimet @dania.q and @clairee_22! Well, I already met the latter, but Dania and I ran into each other whilst finding the @6ixwalks instameet to begin the night, and ended up seeing more stuff together long after the meet was done with. My legs are done with. ?? A photo posted by Steve.o H. (@hellothisissteve) on


ART. #snbto #nuitblanche

A photo posted by Alana de Haan (@alanadehaan) on


These are cans. #ThereIsNoAway #snbTO A photo posted by Rob (@robonto) on


#snbto #nuitblanche #toronto #art

A photo posted by Matthew (@mjdcowle) on



Beaufort 5: Torus, Mary Mattingly | #MaryMattingly #snbto #contemporaryart

A photo posted by @aida.maz on



#nuitblanche2015 #snbTO #art #knit #ball @sbnuitblancheTO: @francetoronto #snbTOBlogTO

A photo posted by Tara Salt (@dingerz) on


Light upon Light! #snbTO #nuitblanche #sbnuitblancheTO A photo posted by A_Mrk (@astridmrkich) on


Projected on #OISE #htuoshtron (North/South #inverted ) #BloorSt #snbTO

A photo posted by mmp (@haikugirlmm) on



Friends With You. #snbTO

A photo posted by kickassannie (@kickassannie) on


#snbtoblogto #snbto #francetoronto #nuitblancheto A photo posted by Sharla Paino (@sharlaland) on


Little paper planes.. #snbto #nuitblanche #401richmond #Toronto #Canada

A photo posted by Carito Montealegre (@caritocoop) on


#snbto A photo posted by Natalie (@mn4t) on


⛅️ #snbTO #nuitblanche #uoft #snbTOblogTO

A photo posted by @leesharen on


Lost Giants, Heather Schibli #snbto A photo posted by Elizabeth Grimshaw (@elizagrim) on


#snbto #nuitblanche #tigers

A photo posted by Cat (@catkmartel) on





About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography