Junior Red Riders – Honda Indy’s youngest fans drive dirt bikes!

Honda Indy

The Honda Indy took place in Toronto this weekend and we got to check out the dirt bike test drive with Honda Canada and the Junior Red Riders program. The mini-session offered kids from the ages of 6 to 12 the chance to experience a thrill of a lifetime at this mega motor sport weekend!

What is it? The program is designed to introduce kids the fundamentals of off-road dirt biking and of course all the fun! During the Indy, families can bring their kids in the controlled and safe designated zone. Here kids will be suited up with all the safety gear from head to toe. They will learn how to respect the riding environment as well as other bikers.

Professionally trained staff offer hands-on instruction to the kids and ensure that they are comfortable before letting them ride around inside the confined area.

My 10 year old tried it for the first time and loved it! He’s actually not a daredevil by any means and he would honestly tell you that he was a bit scared a couple days before he had the opportunity to try it. But after his experience he wanted to do more.

Honda Indy Junior Red Riders

I was worried that he would crash and fall…and he did. But it was safe. His bike was low to the ground. Instructors mentioned that the bikes are suited for their size and although kids don’t need any experience in dirt biking they just need to know how to ride a bike in general. Part of the experience is to learn how to fall and how to get back up, plus they aren’t going too fast anyway. The course is lined with hay bails and ground is covered in mulch so when they do fall, they’ll be safe. Instructors are close by and will always ensure their safety before continuing. They will also keep an eye on kids who may be losing focus and will pull them out when necessary for everyone’s safety.

My son also felt a great sense of accomplishment that he could totally do something he didn’t totally didn’t think he would like. He was much more confident afterwards and I’ve got the photos to prove it!

Honda Indy Junior Red Riders

The Honda Junior Red Riders is a national program available during the summer months where kids can experience a half-day CRF dirt bike camp. Closest location for the 1/2 day session is at the Honda Campus in Markham. Check their website for details.



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.