How To Choose The Best Fishing Equipment And Supplies As A Beginner

Since the beginning, fishing has provided humans with food next to hunting and farming. Nowadays, some people fish as a recreational activity. It’s an excellent hobby that can also double as a lucrative career. 

Fishing requires different supplies and equipment to make catching fish easy anytime and anywhere. If you’re taking up this activity for the first time, you should know there’s more to it than using only a fishing rod. Keep reading and consider these factors so you’ll have a trouble-free time choosing the best fishing supplies:

Fishing Photo on a lake
Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

1. Fishing Technique

The equipment you need depends on your preferred fishing method. Only some techniques utilize all the tools anglers have in their kits. Thus, before shopping for supplies, consider your fishing techniques first. As a beginner, no one expects you to master them all yet. But if you’ve chosen one that suits you, you can narrow your list of what to buy. For example, you’ll need a spear or harpoon and kite fishing supplies for spearfishing and kite fishing, respectively. Other fishing techniques include: 

  • Angling 
  • Bowfishing 
  • Netting 
  • Trapping 

These methods require particular tools to catch fish, while other techniques don’t need them. Knowing the fishing technique you want to do and putting in the time to practice helps you avoid getting too many things that’ll overwhelm you. Remember that you’re a beginner, so you don’t necessarily need every item the pros have in their kits. 

2. Basic Required Gear

Before you start fishing, your kit needs the right equipment. Conventional and beginner fishers often use a rod, lines, hook, and bait. So, this article will focus on those since they’re the most commonly used fishing gear.

Fishing rods

Although fiberglass is not the only option for fishing rods, many seasoned anglers find it the most durable and reliable. It’s also easy to manufacture, making it the most affordable rod type. However, you’ll find fishing rods made of graphite and composite ones made of both graphite and fiberglass. 

A rod’s length can be as short as four feet or as long as 14 feet. Your rod depends on the type of fishing you do. Long rods have longer casts but are typically more challenging to control once fish bite. Meanwhile, short rods offer more maneuverability, but you can only cast your line at a shorter distance.


A newly-bought fishing rod may sometimes have a reel with a new line ready for use. Other times, you’ll need to buy a separate reel. Though, you should have spares in case your line breaks or tangles. 

Like rods, there are many fishing lines to choose from, such as braid, fluorocarbon, and monofilament. Each has pros and cons, and some work best in freshwater or saltwater areas. So, don’t forget to change your line accordingly when you have different types in your kit. 

While most lines are strong enough for large fish, it’s best to attach a leader to them for better catches. Leaders are shorter lines connecting to your lure on one end and your main line on the other. The leader can be of the same material as your main line or a heavier one to prevent breakage. It’s important to note that leaders aren’t invulnerable to damage either. They can sometimes weaken due to knots.


You can’t catch much if your fishing rod has no hook. Rigging a fishing line to a hook ensures that you still have control over your bait in the water. They have five parts: the eye, point, barb, shank, and bend. These parts should be on your hooks, or you’ll have difficulty keeping caught fish on your line. 

There are three common types of fishing hooks, namely the single, double, and treble. As their names suggest, each one has a specific number of shanks. Anglers refer to hook sizes in numbers, such as size 32 for the smallest and 19/0 for the largest. The size will also depend on where you’re fishing and the fish you’re catching. As a general guide, the hook you’ll use should be able to fit the fish’s mouth.

Baits and lures

Fish only swim near hooks if there’s bait. Therefore, live bait is the ideal type to use for any fishing activity. Anglers often choose worms, insects, and minnows. However, artificial lures still do the job and work as a replacement if you run out of live bait. 

If you want to know when you’ve caught a fish, a bobber is also a great item to have. It’ll stay on the water’s surface until a fish bites, pulling it under. A sinker is another helpful tool. Sinkers keep your line stable even if the bait and hook are deep underwater.

3. Fishing Locations

Your gear depends on where you’ll fish. Not all saltwater fish are attracted to the same bait you use for freshwater fish. Additionally, using the wrong hooks may leave you empty-handed at the end of the day. Water currents will also affect the lines you use, so it’s best to consider them.

4. Weather

Many fish behave differently depending on the weather, so you’ll need the appropriate bait to attract sluggish or active fish. Cold weather makes fish move slower to preserve heat and energy. Hence, they’re less likely to find food. Rain and warm weather bring out most of the hungry fish. So, you’re better off fishing with fast-action lures visible in turbid water. 

Before you pack your equipment for a fishing trip, check the weather updates on the area you’re going. If it’s sunny and warm in a place like Toronto’s fishing locations, you may be able to catch more fish than you can handle.  


As a beginner angler, you don’t need a lot of equipment and supplies yet. Initially, try picking one place to fish on a sunny day. You should only focus on choosing the best tools for that fishing trip. Then you can eventually upgrade your gear and add more to your kit when you gain more experience. 



About Joel Levy 2625 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography