Spooky season kicks off with Legends of Horror at Casa Loma

Is it even spooky season without a visit to Legends of Horror at Casa Loma? Yes, Toronto’s very own majestic and magical castle (and actually maybe really haunted) has once again transformed into a Halloween eerieland. This year, it seems even bigger and way more dramatic than ever before.

Follow the hauntingly beautiful winding path as it leads the brave and curious through the grounds and into the bowels of the castle. This immersive theatrical experience is a heart-pounding 2 km trail that is full of surprises. Things just don’t go bump in the night here — sometimes they creep up to you unexpectedly. Sometimes they jump out of nowhere. Sometimes they just scatter and blow at your feet.

Scared yet? Just wait till you meet the clowns. But don’t worry, they have a “no touch” policy.

Wear your running shoes(just in case) and appropriate attire for the weather. Tread cautiously on any stairs and as you move through the darkest and creepiest tunnels ever. My hands still sweat at the thought of it all. OH, and don’t fall for the dude in the cape that flatters you with compliments like  “you smell good”…to which we’re pretty certain it’s the smell of fear he sensed.

Half way through the Legends of Horror experience is Captain Morgan’s glass house where you can collect your wits, refuel and muster up any confidence you have left to continue on. Yep, there’s more.

If you have young kids that want to go…best to go during “family hours” –otherwise no one will sleep. During these dedicated hours families can enjoy the incredible sets and spine-chilling scenery (and they are truly amazing). But no scary characters (live actors) will be lurking about. The mirrored glass maze room is a lot of fun. I *might* have walked into a few dead ends myself.

Strongly recommend booking your tickets in advance. This is a wildly popular night out. FYI Take note of where the entrance is. Explore everything at your own pace. For more information and tickets: LegendsOfHorror.ca 

Don’t wait! They are dying to meet you!

WARNING: You will experience intense audio, lighting, extreme low visibility, strobe-lights, fog, damp or wet conditions, uneven terrain, special effects, sudden actions, and an overall physically demanding environment. You should NOT ENTER if you suffer from severe asthma, heart conditions, are prone to seizures, physical ailments, respiratory issues, or suffer from sever claustrophobia.

*Thank you to photographer Eng C. Lau for the two haunting photos of me.



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.