Homegrown Business: Anita, the founder of Nikitafoodscanada

Nikitafoodscanada is a Toronto business that uses all-natural foods in its products. We spoke with Anita, the founder, to find out more about them.


What is your business called and what does it do?

Officially, it’s a numbered company, but our trade name is Nikitafoodscanada

What made you want to do this work?

After leaving an abusive marriage, I was left to fend for myself and two children. As a consequence, I was determined to be financially independent and to live my best life. Through a process of a spiritual awakening, I realized that I had a talent for cooking and that people liked them. A store asked me to develop a frozen version of my pies for them and now I now sell to the public mostly through stores. In a nutshell, I do this because it’s authentically me, it’s fun and creative and I get to express that through a business that serves people foods that make them happy.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

A number of products on the shelves are full of additives and chemicals that are harmful to the human body. We take care to ensure that our foods are all-natural and non-GMO as far as we can. We want to make food products that are tasty and convenient with fine ingredients that do not add toxins to the body.

Nikitafoodscanada also wants to add to the variety that currently exists in our stores by introducing our Afro-fusion-inspired recipes. We want people to taste and enjoy the delicious foods that my African heritage and travels have taught me. You can taste this in the way our pies are seasoned and in our special pastries. I am told they are very unique and delicious too.

Growing up, we would have a platter for guests with sweet and savoury food to choose from. Based on that, we have also included doughnuts in our lineup as the cheeky fun side of our lineup.

In summary, we want to increase the representation of Afro-fusion-inspired foods, create more all-natural, non-GMO food product lines that don’t add toxins to the body while serving delicious and aesthetically pleasing foods.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

We’ve found that most of our customers are people that identify as women but we are also increasing our gender demographic especially with the doughnuts. Our products cut across most racial barriers and that’s because they look and taste good.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

Our pies are on shelves in a number of stores eg Natures Emporium. They can be found in the frozen section.

We are also testing out Ubereats and Doordash as a delivery platform for freshly baked items. Customers can send us a direct message or dm through our Instagram page to order too.

Where in the city can we find your profession?

There are so many great restaurants and food stores all over the GTA and Toronto. As we expand our store customers, we can be found anywhere a store exists.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

The best question is does the food tastes good and what ingredients is it made from. For us our answer is of course it tastes good and they are made from all-natural, non-GMO ingredients.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Creativity and making people happy by serving them something they enjoy. There is no downside really.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

Never trust a skinny chef 🙂 In reality, this has no factual basis but I still think it’s funny.

Where can we follow you?

On Instagram at @nikitafoodscanada, @nikitasdonuts and our website. We are also on TikTok.

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another local business that you love?

Uline, Farmers Pantry Commercial Kitchen -where I make my products. They also make dips and soups.



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