Legends of Horror at Casa Loma returns with a vengeance

Welcome to spooky season! We’re more than ready to explore all things creepy cool this month with our first stop at the ever popular LEGENDS OF HORROR experience. Taking place once again at Casa Loma, Toronto’s most famous (and only) castle, the 2 kilometre trail takes you through the transformed haunted grounds and guarantees to entertain all ages! Just make sure you choose “family friendly” times if you’re going with youngsters!

Legends of Horror

It’s the best fright night fun we’ve had in ages. This year the production comes back with a vengeance and it’s full of heart palpitating moments! All in good fun! Although the creepy voices and screams are still lingering in my mind a day after.. (no, I won’t come play with you! stop it!).

Of course, we’re all about the fun but here are some interesting facts we’ve come across about Casa Loma as well as this annual haunt- jaunt.

Casa Loma:

Built by Sir Henry Pellatt in the 1900s as a gift to his wife. The architect hired for the project was E.J. Lennox who was also the designer for other landmark buildings in Toronto.

It took 300 workers over three years to complete the project.

At that time it cost $3.5 million to build.

The castle has 98 spaces including horse stables, a two-story hunting lodge, a pool, and three bowling alleys.

In the late 1920s, Casa Loma ran as a luxury hotel and became popular nightspot for Americans during Prohibition.

During World War II, Casa Loma stables waere used to conceal the production of sonar and device including the U-boat detection.

In 2014, the Liberty Entertainment Group entered a long-term lease agreement with the city and it included a $7.4 million commitment to help with the castle restoration efforts.

Legends of Horror

Captain Morgan’s Legends of Horror this year returns and it’s better than ever! With incredible animated ghastly monsters and all things nightmares are made of it is well worth losing sleep over.

We’ve learned there are…

  • 55 amazing projections
  • 45 creepy fog machines
  • 75 incredible animatronics
  • 25+ sets along the 2km trail that takes you around and through the castle’s 5 acre property. Don’t miss the Phantom’s lair in the bowels of the Castle!
  • Cast of incredible 100+ actors have been employed to add to the haunting experience during the full run. By the way, they’ll be happy to safely pose for photos so yah, you’ll have proof that you’ve stared demons down.

Wear your mask and watch your back but don’t worry, they have a NO TOUCH policy. PHEW! Fully vaccinated visitors can take a mid-point break at the fully licensed Captain Morgan’s bar in the glass pavilion or some food and drink to calm nerves before continuing on. Proof of full vaccination required.  Wear proper shoes and adhere to social distancing recommendations and make sure your phone is well charged up. If you can go off peak nights, you should.

See you on the other side.

Tickets will be hot for this one! Visit legendsofhorror.ca before they vanish.

About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.