“Five Minutes With” Pop-Punk singer-songwriter, Sophie Powers

At just 17 years old, Sophie Powers is the bold voice of a new generation. She understands the unique pressures of modern girlhood and uses her experience to write unfiltered, devil-may-care anthems about the ups and downs of being yourself. One minute she’s confident and cool, with the sneering attitude of a punk rock frontwoman, and the next she’s vulnerable and raw, channelling the loneliness of contemporary life in a stirring ballad. Combining the crunchy sound of punk with today’s hip-hop and pop, Powers is the sound of the future.

Sophie Powers

Name: Sophie Powers

Genre: Pop Punk

Founded: 2021

Latest Single: “Life Goes On!!”

Latest Video:

Favourite musician as a teenager:


Favourite musician now:

Still Nirvana because I’m 17, but recently I’ve been loving Luci4 and Deftones.

Guilty Pleasure Song:

Blondie by The Current Joys

Live Show Ritual:

I’ve barely been able to perform with Covid and being a new artist, but eating a protein bowl, vocal warm ups, and hyping myself up in the mirror would be the last 3 things I’d do before hitting the stage.

Favourite local artist:


EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Night owl for sure.

Road or studio?


Any shows or albums coming up?

My newest song came out August 20; with three songs out I’ll be able to perform for an in person audience and I’m so excited.


Rapid Fire Qs on Toronto

Favourite local Restaurant:

Terroni on Price St

Favourite Street:

Queen St. West

Favourite Park?

Riverdale. I used to go to school near there and have great memories at that park.

Favourite Music Venue?

I love the Danforth Music Hall but also the Budweiser Stage.

Swiss Chalet, Harvey’s or Roti?

Swiss Chalet for the win.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram | Twitter | TikTok



About Demian Vernieri 676 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.