Sammy the cat is looking for a new home in the Toronto area

Sammy comes with free post-adoption support!

Sammy is a clever cat who’s always a pleasure to watch. She’s also a bit of a loner who comes to you on her own terms, so if you’re looking for more of a hands-off cat, Sammy may be your pick.

Sammy is not the best around small children or other cats. She could live with another well-mannered cat who will give her space. If there are other pets in the home, Sammy will need slow, supervised introductions.

Slow is key with Sammy. She might come up to you for a head or lower back scratch and be very affectionate for a while, and sometimes she’s okay with being picked up by her owner, if not with anyone else. She’ll let you know when she’s had enough.

Sammy needs her space, such as a cat tree or somewhere to hide. She’s very smart – she knows how to high-five! – and active. If you’re around, she likes the wand toy, and she’ll play with crinkle balls on her own. She likes to scratch things, meaning sisal mats and carpet scratchers are your friends. She can get overexcited while playing, so be aware of little signs she’s getting wound up, which an adoption agent can talk to you about. We can also tell you about ways to help her spend her energy, such as scheduled playtimes and puzzle toys.

One final thing: she loves catnip, and Greenies are her favourite treat.

Sammy the cat


Age: 3 Years 1 Month
Sex: Female
Size: S
Colour: Brown
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No


For Toronto Humane Society’s complete adoption process, please click here to learn more about how you can make this companion, a forever friend!


About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Toronto area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.



About Demian Vernieri 752 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.