Watch Out for These Gaming News Sites

If you’re looking to update your watchlist with quality content gaming news sites, look no further! The gaming world if an enticing place to be, whether it’s virtually or real life, there is always something going on that will stop you in your tracks. Just be careful not to stop for too long, because you might miss out.

Sometimes things are moving at such as rapid pace that you can have trouble keeping up with everything that is going on. To help lessen your struggle we’ve created a list of the sites that will ensure you are always in the loop. 


The name Kotaku derives from the Japanese otaku (obsessive fan) and the prefix “ko-” (small in size). The only difference here is that you’ll be more than just a little obsessed with this gaming news reporter. Kotaku is owned by one of the strongest media holding companies, G/O Media Inc. Which happens to be the company that owns other widely popular sites such as Gizmodo and The A.V, Club.

With such a diversified presence, it comes to no surprise that they’ve detected an extension of the site to the gaming world. Even on Kotaku itself, you can find a variety of game-related topics that aren’t discussed on other gaming-focused sites. You can see Kotaku in all its glory here.


This site resembles an online version of a magazine that was a must-have for all gamers back in the day. They touch base on the most important and current news hitting the headlines in the gaming community. Before their site received major attention worldwide, they were one of the few sources you could go to, to find advice, tips, tricks, and more. Nowadays, there are some of the top places to go to!

Gameinformer offers more than just your daily dose of news. On their platform, you can find a selection of topics that can help you improve your future in gaming, such as several important features to be on the lookout for, preview, videos, reviews, and even hubs. Check out what we are talking about here.


Third on our list is a site that continues to shock their audience with enticing headlines, Dualshockers. They are quite often among the first to have coverage of all the latest details. Throughout the years they have built a strong reputation for themselves, and are slowly but surely rising to the top of the gaming world. 

What makes this site so useful? Well, for starters their platform provides a very pleasant user experience, with the most groundbreaking news presented on the main page. Apart from that, they cover news based on platforms, therefore, if you’re not interested in PC gaming, you can easily switch over to the ‘Switch’ section. Go check out the news for your platform of interest here.


IGN is a gaming news reporter that has been reporting important points in gaming history for almost 30 years. During this course of time, Imagine Games Network has been growing and prospering in the gaming society with their in-the-minute news updates and gaming guidance.

While providing news is their strong suit they’ve also updated their game with a bunch of other interesting categories. Want to see if a game is worthwhile? Head over to their reviews section. Need a new Legend of Zelda T-shirt? They’ve got you covered. You can also create a personal account through which you can comment and share your gaming intel throughout the ‘boards’. See everything IGN has to offer here.


GameSpot knows how to spot out all the important information. They let you know about the latest in anything and everything game-related. Every move in the gaming culture circuit is important for the future of gaming, especially if you’re an aspiring professional play. GameSpot ensures you have everything you need to know for now and the future.

However, given that they are a gaming and entertainment site they like to give their visitors the best of both worlds with stellar reviews, live stream videos, amazing deals, and even gift ideas. Having a look at what the gaming society is buzzing about today, you can check GameSpot out here.


Gamer Headlines hits the target but providing only the hottest of headlines in the gaming society. If your appetite is growing for the latest hits and misses in the gaming world you can satisfy your hunger with Gamer Headlines. As their name suggests, if you want astral headlines and gaming news that is what you will get.

Get your latest fix of information with a site that gives you all you need to know. With their reviews section, you can add value not only to your knowledge of gaming but also add value to your game collection. If you’re feeling iffy about a certain game, it might be helpful to head over to their page to see what they have to say about it. Check out their Gaming News category.


If you’ve heard of popular American mass media company, Vox Media you might’ve heard that in 2012 they launched a gaming blog known as Polygon. By expanding their horizon to gaming, they’ve opened up a whole new world for the gaming community.

With over six articles being released daily it comes as no surprise that the site’s good reputation is growing so rapidly. Alongside the news category, they’ve also incorporated several other relevant sections like reviews, features, guides, podcasts, and even so nice merchandise. Head over to Polygon here.


Destructoid is a platform where all game lovers and gamers go to discuss what is happening in the gaming world. Under each piece of news, you can hear even more exclusive information that will provide you a better insight into the gaming atmosphere and its potential outcome with the latest move.

Many passionate gamers visit this site to engage in conversation as well as find out if the newest up and the rising game is all that it’s made out to be, or if it’s just a flop. Destructoid provides a lot of content and news stories that shape the future of the virtual workout. Check out the latest reviews and gaming news.


If you have a burning desire to be on the radar of the entire gaming world, you might want to visit GamesRadar. Their news articles and content is shared amongst players from all around the world. GamesRadar has a knack for knowing what is trending and what can possibly change the course of the gaming society.

Going far beyond their ability to give out timely reports they also provide their crowns with the opportunity to scroll through various other categories. A specific category that is a hit is the magazines they offer their viewers to read. Although magazines are slowly becoming a thing of the past, many readers still prefer to list through them in a conventional way. Have a look for yourself here.


Number 8 on our list is a site that continuously tracks and reports recent gaming news, The Invader. This is the type of invader that you will actually want in your life. Especially, if you’re someone who is always on the lookout for what is happening in the world of gaming.

They put a high focus on what you need to get ready for and what might not reach your expectations. Providing you with world-shattering news, facts, and guidance is the aim of their game. With the gaming culture, you never know what you can expect, but you can try to guess and spark up a discussion with the help of useful information. Check out their Gaming News category.


While gaming is their niche audience, this site is not completely about gaming news in itself. Nichergamer also covers an interesting array of other topics such as tech, reviews, previews, video, and just about anything gaming-related you can think of.

Without a doubt, the first thing that will draw you in is their captivating platform that features the most important news right at the top. Scrolling through the page and articles you’ll also notice that plenty of visitors deliver their input on the popular topics, which means you can also join the conversation and share how you feel. Check out the latest news here.


Most game news addicts know the importance of staying up to date with all the current news, which is why they spend hours on end scrolling through this site. This ‘Global authority on PC games’ quite aware of the fact that if you want to be a good gamer, you got to know your stuff. This includes the past, present, and future of all things gaming.

On PC Gamer you can browse through categories like reviews, hardware, indie, best of, and more. One particular category that keeps visitors on their page even after reading the news is ‘Forums’. This area allows the crowd to engage in riveting and deep conversation.  Go ahead and share some of your thoughts here.



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About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography