We’ve all noticed the increase in gun violence over the last couple of years in Toronto. This week we spoke to Julien Christian Lutz (Director X) who founded Operation Prefrontal Cortex, a not-for-profit that looks to use meditation and mindfulness to lower the incidence of gun violence by targeting neurocognitive function.

Describe your charity/non-profit in a few sentences.
Operation Prefrontal Cortex’s mission is to reduce gun, mass and police violence through meditation.
What problem does it aim to solve?
People who lash out with violent and aggressive behaviour have a prefrontal cortex (decision making) that is too small and an amygdala (emotional control) that is too large. Meditation gives volume to the prefrontal cortex and shrinks the amygdala.
When did you start/join it?
The organization started in 2019.
What made you want to get involved?
I myself am a gun violence survivor. In 2015 at my own New Years party a man was shot on the dance floor. The bullet went through that man, the person behind him and hit me in the back.
What was the situation like when you started?
Toronto is in a gun violence crisis.
How has it changed since?
It’s gotten worse.
What more needs to be done?
To reach the shooters a program called Advance Peace needs to be brought to Toronto. This program took Richmond, CA gun homicides from 47 in 2007 down to 1 as of the day I am writing this July 17th 2020.
How can our readers help?
We have a petition on our website. Readers can call and email Mayor Tory and tell him you want this program here.
Do you have any events coming up?
Where can we follow you?
My insta is @DirectorX and Operation Prefrontal Cortex is @op.pfc. Our website has my TedX Toronto “Message To The Man Who Shot Me” and downloadable PDF’s about mindfulness in school and mindfulness for the police.
PAY IT FORWARD: What is another awesome local charity that you love?